Reinventing Education Act for the Children of Hawaii REACH Our Goal. Our Children. Our Future. Comparison of the DOE Current Budget with the New Weighted Student Formula
Outline How are School Resources Allocated Now? -- School Equity based on Enrollment Weighted Student Formula: -- Equity Based on Students’ Needs Committee on Weights: Key Questions Characteristics to Consider for Weights Introduction to Other School Districts’ Formulas: Edmonton, Seattle & Houston
How are School Resources Currently Allocated? State (Legislature & Governor) Board of Education Department of Education DHRD DAGS DOH Schools Positions (FTEs) Hourly Payroll ($) Supplies & Equip. ($) Civil Service Employee Screening Repairs & Maintenance School Construction School Health Aides
The Current Budget Allocation System Promotes School Equity The primary method of allocating resources to schools is through staffing formulas: –Student : Teacher Ratio –Support Staff Ratios –Staffing based on program decisions Positions are allocated to schools; Payroll is processed centrally. Most school districts across the U.S. follow similar procedures.
Staffing Ratios Vary with Enrollment, But Do Not Adjust for Students’ Needs STAFFING RATIOS LowHigh Student Need $/Pupil Add-on Programs FTEs
Under Current Allocations, Schools With Similar Enrollments Receive Similar Numbers of Teacher Positions, Even Though Student Needs Vary by School Kaimuki Hi Hilo Hi Kalama Int Waianae Int Kalihi Kai El Mokapu El Enrollment 1,2021, % Limited English Proficiency 14.8%2.1%1.2%3.8%18.6%1.9% % Poverty 46.7%46.9%44.4%78.0%75.6%17.0% % Special Education 15.8%20.0%19.2%26.2%5.6%12.56%
Current Budget Allocations: Positions Allocated to Schools, Payroll Processed Centrally
In Contrast: Weighted Student Formula Achieves Equity Based on Students’ Needs Empowers schools to use resources to positively impact student achievement Resources follow the student -- Revenue is portable Each child's needs are counted -- Weights are established for different needs
One Example of Students’ Needs: The link between poverty and academic performance There is a clear correlation between poverty and academic performance. In general, the higher the poverty level at a school the lower the academic performance of the school. Honolulu District Schools
Weighted Student Formula Provides Dollar Resources to Schools Based on Students’ Needs LowHigh Student Need $/Pupil $ $
Act 51, With Weighted Student Formula: 70% Budget Requirement
Committee on Weights: Key Questions What programs to include in the WSF? Which students or schools should get more? How much more should they get?
Characteristics to Consider for Weights Poverty Free/Reduced Lunch Mobility Transfers to/from schools Average Daily Attendance Grade Level Grades K-2 Elementary Middle, High Accountability Measures Test Scores Adequate Yearly Progress Other English For Second Language Learners Special Education Gifted/Talented At-Risk / Alienated Students Small School Adjustments Geographic Isolation
Process to Develop Weights Committee on Weights: Identification of programs to be included in WSF Identification of student or school characteristics to receive weighting Review of “base-line” weightings using current allocations Review comparison of schools “as is” and “would be” allocations Revise weights to appropriately reflect student and school needs
What programs to include in the Weighted Student Formula? Conceptually: Include direct costs of instructional programs Include programs currently operated by staffing formulas and other direct allocations to schools Exclude non-instructional programs Exclude programs more appropriately managed centrally
Other School Districts’ Weighted Student Formulas Edmonton enrollment = 82,000 First year of WSF implementation: % of budget included in WSF »Excludes Student Transportation, Food Services, Debt Service, Facilities Construction Seattle enrollment = 47,000 First year of WSF implementation: % of budget included in WSF Houston enrollment = 212,099 First year of WSF implementation: % of budget included in WSF
Questions So Far?