Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 2 Working Concept Overview: The Pneumatic System is comprised of: Y Pistons Z Pistons Ink Purge Pneumatic Panel
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 3 Y Pressure Roller Pistons The pistons are controlled by the Pneumatic Panel, and they work with an air pressure of 2.5 bar. The pressure roller has a total of 3-5 pistons depending on the machine. The speed of these pistons can be regulated.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 4 Z Shaft This shaft is controlled by two pistons, which hold the Z rubber Roller. The Pressure used is 4.5 Bar. The speed of those pistons can also be controlled, and for safety reasons it should be very slow. The Off position in this Axes, is when the pistons are UP. If there is a loss of pressure, the roller has two springs which lift or maintain the roller in the upward position.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 5 Ink Purge We use air pressure of 0.8 bar to clean the heads For this we have two air valves for each color. Each air valve controls 4 heads, and the valve splits to two outputs, one for each partition of the secondary tank.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 6 Pneumatic Panel This Panel controls the Z pistons and Y pistons. It also regulates and displays the air pressure for the pistons as well as for the Ink Purge. The Panel is also included in the safety system. If the Emergency Stop button is pressed, all air supply to the system will be cut off.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 7 Pneumatic Panel The Panel is comprised of the following: On / Off Buttons: 3 Valves 2 Filters 2 timers 3 Gauges Pressure Regulators Main switch
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 8 ON / OFF Buttons These 4 buttons control the Z and Y pistons in the following way. On Y, when the Green Button is pressed, the pressure roller goes UP. The green button lights. On Z, when The Green Button is pressed, the rubber shaft goes down. The green button lights. Pressing either Red Button, turns OFF each Shaft; Y goes down, Z goes UP. Red Button Lights.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 9 TIMERS There are 2 safety timers which control the delay of each shaft before it starts to move. After pressing any button, an alarm goes off, while the delay is present. You can adjust this delay in the timers, by rotating the little dial in them, and setting the desired number. The units are in seconds, but this can be changed. The timer has 4 dip switches. The first 2, define the time range and the last 2 the mode. The Correct setting, should be 1 up, and the rest down, so that the range is in seconds.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 10 REGULATORS AND FILTERS There are 2 water filters in the panel. The first one on the bottom, filters the whole system from water, and the second one is for Ink purge, because it is more sensitive. There are 3 regulators, one for each function, Z, Y, and Ink Purge. Adjust the pressure by Turning the black top cap.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 11 Gauges and Main Air Valve There are three gauges, one for each section. They display the current pressure applied: The first for Ink Purge (0.8bar) Second Y pistons (2.5 Bar) Third Z pistons (4.5 Bar) The main Ink Valve, opens and closes the entrance of Air to the whole system.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 12 VALVES There are 3 electronic valves in the panel. One is for the safety system, which cuts all air entrance if emergency is pressed. And the other two are for the Y and Z piston control.
Engineer Training XL1200 Pneumatics Confidential 13 General Diagram.