Cyber Time 3 rd grade
Personal Information -Don’t post your , address, or your cell phone number. -Don’t share your last name online. -Don’t post images or videos. -Its okay to post your likes and dislikes.
Stranger Danger -Don’t accept anything from people you don’t know. -Don’t friend people you don’t know. -Don’t plan to meet your “online friends”. -Don’t respond if you don’t know them. -Tell an adult.
Cyber Bullying - Unacceptable and dangerous. -If you notice cyber bullying STOP and REPORT it. -Illegal. -Tell and adult. -If you wouldn’t do it in person, don’t do it online.
Use of the internet in school -Use for research and educational purposes. -Make sure you have the teachers permission before you use the internet. -Educational games are ok. -Print with permission. -Don’t download without permission.
Staying Safe The world on the internet might seem fun, just make sure you follow more rules than one.