STAR & CAHSEE Coordinators Test Administration Workshop January 29, :30 – 3:30 p.m. WELCOME!
Today’s Agenda Welcome, Introductions, Security Agreements! Navigating Resources STARs: CST, CMA, CAPA, STS, EAP What’s New for 2013 Before Testing During Testing After Testing Looking forward to a future assessment system CAHSEE: February, March & May
New for STAR 2013 Emphasis on heightened security –New security affidavit New and updated videos Answer docs: –No CBEDS (section 14), collected in CALPADS –No ASAM –No SEID –English-learner program participation (section 17) definitions changes Expedited return of results Coordinator Manual (M) Pages 2, 116
Expedited Return of CST & CMA Results Results available within 2–3 weeks of receipt of materials at scoring center –QC process for early tests before results release. Scorable materials must be complete and include all information, including accurate SGID. Downloadable file from STAR Management System: –File will include only a subset of fields. –Use with caution: final results subject to change.
STAR Site Coordinator Responsibilities Prevent errors Keep secure Verify materials are marked correctly to ensure correct student scores Guarantee correct enrollment counts Return materials promptly M 48-52
Supporting Accurate Accountability Prepare –Precoding –Lists, lists, lists – Check, research, REPORT Restore –Data Corrections prior to first day of testing –Late labels reflective of new students between precode and 1 st day; change in assessment Prevent –Document review after testing H
Administration: Train Examiners Assure understanding of role before testing –Remove/Cover instructional materials directly related to the content of the tests including, but not limited to: Tables of mathematical facts or formulas Vocabulary or spelling lists Writing materials such as charts that show capitalization, punctuation, or grammar rules Phonics charts Inappropriate history and science materials (for example, maps, timelines, periodic table of elements, formulas)
Administration: Train Examiners Distribute test materials to correct students –Be very careful with similar names – Check date of birth –Make sure students code correct EOC math or science test taken –Make sure students code correct test version number Follow Directions For Administration (DFA) –Read “Say” boxes exactly as written Students cannot go back to previous part of test
At Start of Testing: Section 1 All students must complete, even if Pre-ID was used. At start of end-of-course testing, mark EOC test name:
Administration: Train Examiners Assure understanding of role during testing –Proctoring is continuous monitoring –Tracking and reporting absences –Recording special circumstances and/or variations on AD –Monitoring to make sure students are not using unauthorized electronic devices during tests session Assure understanding of role after testing –Daily return and inventory of test materials –Assuring that tests are complete and ready to be submitted for scoring H
Site Coordinators Train Examiners (Cont.) Examiners CANNOT: –Review test questions before, during, or after testing –Check students’ answers including (among others): 1.Advise students of wrong answer or to check an answer; or 2.Withhold answer docs until students demonstrate they have the right answers
Site Coordinators Train Examiners (Cont.) Examiners shall monitor students during testing to make sure students are –On correct part –Do not go on to other parts or back to a previously completed part –Do not skip a question on their answer document (so that they are off by one or more). –Examiners shall ensure there is enough time to complete a part before beginning the part
Read and sign affidavits MAKE SURE CORRECT TESTS ARE GIVEN –CST and/or CMA –STS –Correct math test for grade 7 if Algebra –Correct EOC for grades 8−11 –CAPA Students who are not testing may not stay in the classroom where a test is being administered If students need to be taken to another room to finish testing, BE SURE THEY ARE ESCORTED BY AN ADULT. Do not allow students to walk to another room with test materials by themselves. Site Coordinators Train Examiners (Cont.)
Security Audits At randomly-selected schools and district offices Before, during, or after testing Are materials secure, accounted for, and locked-up when not in use? Are correct administrative procedures being followed: –Materials have been removed or covered –Students are not being coached through the exams –Only appropriate accommodations and or modifications are being provided, et. al. –No unauthorized electronic devices are being used
STAR and CAPA video access Web page at Test Site Coordinator & Examiner Segments General Responsibilities Grade Span or Level CST CMA Grades 4 & 7 Writing STS CAPA (no updates for 2013) Updated STAR Video Segments for 2013
California Standards Tests (CSTs) Grades 2–11 Unless taking CMA or CAPA Subjects tested : –English–Language Arts (ELA): all grades writing for grades 4 and 7 –Mathematics: grades 2–7 and end-of-course (EOC) 7–11 –Science: grades 5, 8, 10, and EOC 9–11 –History–Social Science: grades 8, 11, and EOC 9–11 M 37, 84 (Appendix D)
Who Takes Which CST for Mathematics? Grade 9: One of the following is required: EOC mathematics CST or CST for General Mathematics (if no math course or completing a course for which there is not an EOC mathematics CST) Grades 10–11: One of the following is *required: EOC mathematics CST; or CST for Summative High School Mathematics *No assessment required (grades 10-11) if not taking a mathematics course M 16, 84 (Appendix D)
Summative High School Mathematics Students in grades 9–11 will take the CST for Summative High School Mathematics if: Previously completed Algebra I and Algebra II and Geometry courses, and completing an advanced mathematics course this year; or Previously completed a course aligned with the Integrated Mathematics 3 test blueprint, and completing an advanced mathematics course this year; or Previously completed Algebra I and Algebra II and Geometry courses and are taking no mathematics course this year; or Previously completed a course aligned with the Integrated Mathematics 3 test blueprint and are taking no mathematics course this year. Previously took the CST for Summative High School Mathematics.
Mark Correct Mathematics Test Taken... or student will not receive a SCORE. Also include correct version number.
CST for Science Required grade-level science –Grades 5, 8, 10: all students take the grade-level test Grades 9–11 EOC –Based on standards-based science course completed during the school year or the previous summer, whichever is more recent –If more than one standards-based science course will be completed during the school year, the district must determine which test will be taken –Mark correct EOC test and version number on the answer document M 18
Who Takes the CMA? Students: –Have an IEP –Meet the SBE-adopted eligibility criteria –Enrolled in grades 3–11 –May take the CMA for some subjects, CST for other subjects –Must take grade-level CSTs when a CMA is not offered –May have previously taken the CMA, regardless of score –Not eligible to take the CAPA IEP specifies the CMA and subject(s) No modifications; if needed, take the CST M 74 Appendix A H
CMA Tests for 2013 CMA for ELA in grades 3–11 CMA for Writing in grades 4 and 7 CMA for Mathematics in grades 3–7 CMA for Algebra I (EOC for grades 7–11) CMA for Geometry (EOC for grades 8–11) Note: If CMA students in grades 8 or 9 are NOT taking Algebra I or Geometry, the IEP should designate the math test accordingly. There is no CMA General Math. CMA for Science in grades 5 and 8 CMA for Life Science in grade 10 H
H For grades 8–11 if at least one CMA test is pre-identified for a student, the student will receive both the CMA and the CST pre-identified answer documents
S tandards-based T est in S panish STS for Reading/Language Arts (RLA) in grades 2–11 STS for Mathematics in grades 2–7 STS for Algebra I (EOC for grades 7–11) If Algebra I course completed in 2012−13 school year STS for Geometry (EOC for grades 8–11) If Geometry course completed in 2012−13 school year Students in grades 8 and 9 who are not taking Algebra I or Geometry courses take NO STS math, but do take CST math. M 3, 14
Who Takes the STS? Required for Spanish-speaking English learners (EL), grades 2–11, who either: –Receive instruction in Spanish; or –Have been enrolled in a school in the U.S. less than 12 cumulative months. All students must also take CSTs or the CMA Students who take CAPA do NOT take STS M 3, 14
STS Grades
A2 Special Conditions: Incident Statement Required for C, F, Y, Z –Bubble each test for each condition individually –Alphabetical order –“X” if accommodations or modifications offered, but not used A3 Accommodations and Modifications –Bubble each test for each condition individually A4 Variations for ELs Grade 11 Example Code Back of Answer Documents H M Appendix K
Train Correct Coding Accommodations, Modifications, & Variations Accommodations –Change conditions, but not measurement –Score counted as is Modifications –Change conditions and measurement –Score counted as far below basic for state accountability –Score not counted as participating for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Variations for EL do not need IEP –Regularly used in the classroom –Score counted as is
Grade 11 ONLY To receive status for ELA, students must complete: –Writing essay in March; and –CST multiple choice questions; and –Additional EAP multiple choice questions. For mathematics, students must complete additional questions on the EOC Algebra II or Summative High School Mathematics Students must mark ONLY ONE circle E arly A ssessment P rogram
EAP Test Determinations English –Ready –Ready Conditional –Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or participating CCC college-level English courses Mathematics –Ready –Ready Conditional –Not yet demonstrating readiness for CSU or participating CCC college-level mathematics courses
37 EAP Test Results Available on the STAR Grade 11 Student Report –The results are on the backside of the report in the lower left-hand corner. –Students can access their EAP results online (if the student filled the bubble on the score sheet) at
EAP Essay Delivery & Packaging March 4–26 administration Materials delivered to test sites 5 – 10 days before testing Site delivers to examiner day of test administration
EAP Essay Answer Document Minimal demographic data required in sections 1 – Name, School etc. 3 – Date of Birth 5 – Student Name 6 – Gender 7 – Grade 11 – Student ID (if applicable) 12 – SSID
EAP Essay Returning Materials MAGENTAScorables, MAGENTA labels –SGID Sheet Code Grade & Number of Documents Do not code Test Type or Group Name YELLOWNonscorables, YELLOW –Unused test materials –DFAs
Multiple Choice Tests
CST Grades
California Modified Assessments
CMA and CAPA ~ Continue to Monitor
CMA and CAPA Lists Ready For You
Delivery Schedule Inventory District delivers to test sites 5–10 days before 1 st testing day Site distributes to examiners –Non-secure DFAs ~ prior to testing –CAPA ~ as soon as possible (at least 5 days before testing) –Student Test Materials for CST, Writing, CMA, STS ~ day of test only
Separate sheet for each test type and grade span H
Separate sheet for each grade and for 8 – 11 EOC H
SY SBAC ’s tests to be ready & operational Online computer adaptive summative assessments English-language arts and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven The SBAC’s will include selected response, constructed response, technology enhanced, and performance task items. Used for accountability purposes consists of two parts: (1) a computer adaptive portion and (2) performance tasks in reading, writing, and mathematics. Results will include scale score and an achievement level category. Results of the grade eleven assessment will provide an indicator of college and career readiness. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Grades H
Scheduling Considerations & Best Practices! One test session per day best –Consider the rigor of the testing sessions Provide for all test variations –Test examiners must know what will be provided and to which students –Plan for the individual and small-group testing Make use of all site and district staff Schedule the time for make-ups to be as effective as during the regular schedule
C alifornia A lternate P erformance A ssessment (CAPA) Performance-based, one-on-one test Student must have an IEP IEP specifies CAPA and level For students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take the CSTs even with accommodations and/or modifications or the CMA with accommodations Do not take STS Answer document: –Ensure correct CAPA Level is marked in 7a
Sites must double-rate at a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the CAPA students per level Double ratings are randomly selected Observers must mark Observer and sign the answer document Signature Block
Observers must mark sections Preparing To Administer the CAPA 1 - Name, etc. 3 - Date of Birth 5 - Name 6 - Gender 7a - CAPA Level 7b - Grade 11 - Student ID 12 - SSID
After Testing Transcribe braille and large print (or not processed) Use VOID label on any answer document(s), with marks, not to be scored; return with nonscorables –Note: A pre-ID answer document being returned in non-scorables MUST be marked VOID to indicate its reason for being non-scorable
A3 & 16a—Disability Code Be sure to mark the “IEP” or “504 Plan” circle in section A3a even if the student does not use any accommodations or modifications If not in Pre-ID, mark after testing. For CST and STS: –Mark “000” if no IEP; or –Disability Code from IEP. For CMA and CAPA: –Disability code is REQUIRED. –“000” not valid for CMA or CAPA M 120–21
Mark Discrimination Analysis An automated process completed at the time of test booklet (grades two and three) and answer document scanning Identifies erasures to determine if the response has changed from: Wrong left wrong, or Correct left correct, or No response AVOID By: Reading DFA Monitoring Actively Students Only ~ Erasers
School Grade Identification Sheet SGID Complete for each set of answer documents or test booklets Place on answer documents for correct –Grade –School (school code machine- marked) M 24 Pre- printed H
School Site Data Collection Form Complete, sign and retain copy for your site records Row “A” enrollment numbers will be provided; form sent to sites after STAR window has opened Pre- printed Completed by site H
School Site Data Collection Form Parent exempt letter must be on file at District –Send prior to grades 4 & 7 writing, if applicable –Retain copy at site for your record
After Testing: Pack and Return Return all documents Separate scorables (with SGID) from nonscorables: make sure grade on answer documents matches grade on SGID. Return Home/Hospital with student’s school Band scorables in groups of 100 (label 1 of__, 2 of __, etc) DO NOT BAND NON-SCORABLES Tape boxes for transport; they will be reopened at District for final processing M 40, 66
No Duct or Masking Tape…. Please
Return all DFAs; DO NOT recycle at sites
After Testing: Master File Sheet M 65, 92 Return one (1) per school Return in SCORABLES H
Use District-Provided Labels Non-scorables Count of total non- scorables
Use District-Provided Labels Scorables Count of total scorables
Feeling Overwhelmed Yet????
We Thank You!