William J. Clinton Democrat Al Gore
Saturday Night Live Skit Saturday Night Live Skit
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade lowered trade barriers Established WTO ( World Trade Organization) to resolve trade disputes
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement U.S., Mexico, Canada agree to free trade zone
PLO Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel agree to a degree of self government Rabin (killed) & Arafat
Baby Boomers “Graying” of America Life expectancy rises so… SOCIAL SECURITY- number of recipients rises rapidly Not enough money? No plan to fix it agreed upon Debate continues today
Health Care Reform Clinton presented package to ensure health care for all Americans Critics said it was too expensive Congress rejects plan
Balanced Budget Amendment U.S. debt $4 trillion 1997 legislation to balance their budget by 2002, had spending cuts and tax breaks 1998 has budget surplus
Impeachment Several activities investigated Whitewater- accused of illegal real estate scheme Monica Lewinski incident- Clinton accuses of lying under oath December 1998 Clinton impeached Senate found him not GUILTY
Supreme Court Appointments Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stephen Breyer