Medical Advancements By: Mary Jo Hagemeyer
Intro Disease was every where all the time Disease spread very rapidly New diseases formed. Such as cholera and typhoid For years there were no cures for any of these diseases.
An American dentist named Lister. A group of doctors in France. Regular people with “home remedies.” Thousands of physicians.
Why The dentist invented anesthetic to prevent pain during surgery. A Hungarian doctor used antiseptic methods to help save mothers during childbirth. Neither methods have been changed.
What Most medicine was used for cures, pain, health, hygiene, etc… The medicine is still being used today, just for different reasons and forms. Anesthetic is used for all surgeries, they have different potencies, for children, babies and adults. Antiseptic methods are still used and have rarely changed.
Where The anesthetic was invented in America. It is used all over the world. This invention was used every where through history like wars.
When The anesthetic was discovered in Antiseptic was invented in the 1830’s. For years they had been trying to find the right ingredients for the drugs.
Pain Infection Injury Pregnancy Disease Illness
½ Of the patients that had a surgery died from infection. Dirty rooms. Unclean utensils. Careless doctors. No knowledge of germs.
Bibliography evolution/disease.htm. evolution/disease.htm The world history book. Pg 498. World book encyclopedia M volume 13 pg