Welcome To My Slide Show J.P.
Introduction In the following slides you will see pictures I created this school year with two pieces of educational software. The first is called Kid Pix 4 and the second is Kidspiration 3. Kid Pix 4 has several drawing and painting tools. Kidspiration also has drawing tools and graphic organizers used to display your work. I have learned to use these tools to create my slides. Please notice, I have also learned to create and edit my own stamps! I then exported these slides to include in my presentation. I hope you enjoy my slide show!
My Acrostic
My Family
My Fall Quilt
AN AUTUMN DAY Pumpkins in the cornfields, Gold among the brown, Leaves of rust and scarlet Trembling slowly down; Birds that travel southward, Lovely time to play; Nothing is as pleasant As an autumn day! Carmen Lagos Signes (J.P.)
Winter Has Arrived
Welcome Spring
My Classmates Illustrated With Word Art
Thank you for watching my slide show.