BOCC Department of Justice Affairs obtained Federal VAWA grant to conduct planning Contracted with FJCA for technical assistance Hiring 2 staff and local consultant to assist with planning process Conducted 2-day strategic planning session in August 2009 with over 100 participants
Conducted 2 follow-up meetings with planning session participants Conducted multiple Workgroup meetings Finalized structure for the planning process Engaging additional participants
To complete an open & transparent community planning & development process in 2010 for a Greater Cleveland Family Justice Center To implement the Greater Cleveland Family Justice Center in 2011 To become an outstanding, nationally recognized Family Justice Center that addresses stakeholder needs in Greater Cleveland
Executive Board Co-Chairs: Judge Ronald Adrine & TBD Marketing & Public Awareness Kim Barnett Mills Staffing & Volunteers Workgroup TBD Community Input Workgroup Lori Scott Organizational Development Workgroup Alexandria Ruden Location Workgroup Veronica Holloway Data, Research, & Evaluation Workgroup Wendy Regoeczi Dean Jenkins Service Delivery & Partnership Development Workgroup Tim Boehnlein Resource Development Workgroup Sylvia Pla Raith Denise Hudson Steering Committee Co-Chairs: Judge Ronald Adrine & TBD Community Partnership for a Family Justice Center
Executive Board Monthly meetings Co-Chairpersons of Steering Committee, Leaders of Workgroups, county staff Makes final recommendations/decisions based on input from all other entities Steering Committee Meetings every other month Community leaders Receives reports/recommendations; provides advice, guidance, information & resources; advocates for support
Community Partnership Meets quarterly Open to all in community Receives progress reports/provides feedback Workgroups Meet monthly or as needed Membership based on interest & expertise Assigned specific tasks and collect information, analyze, and make recommendations on critical aspects of Family Justice Center to Executive Board and Steering Committee
Open & inclusive Incorporating best practice information Organized by staff & consultants & driven by volunteer participants 1 year commitment of time from participants Final product – design & implementation plan
Ideas on additional members? Meeting schedule – 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. February 26, 2010 April 30, 2010 June 25, 2010 August 27, 2010 October 29, 2010 December 15, 2010 Location TBD Commitment to participate