Artículos y adjetivos Unidad 1 Lección 2
Nouns & Gender All nouns have a gender; either masculine or feminine Nouns ending in “o” are usually masculine Nouns ending in “a” are usually feminine
To make a noun plural… Nouns ending in a vowel, add “s” Nouns ending in a consonant, add “es”
Definite articles (“the”) Indicates a specific person place or thing El is used with a masculine, singular noun La is used with a feminine, singular noun Los is used with a masculine, plural noun Las is used with a feminine, plural noun
Indefinite articles (“a/an”) Indicates a nonspecific person, place or thing Un is used with masculine, singular nouns Una is used with feminine, singular nouns Unos is used with masculine, plural nouns Unas is used with feminine, plural nouns
Articles and nouns The definite or indefinite article must agree with the noun it describes If a noun is singular and feminine, the article must also be singular and feminine – la chica If a noun is plural and masculine, the article must also be plural and masculine – los chicos
Adjectives and nouns An adjective is used to describe a noun In Spanish, the adjective almost always comes after the noun Adjective must agree with the noun it describes La chica bonita – a feminine noun needs a feminine adjective El chico atlético – a masculine noun needs a masculine adjective
Adjectives and nouns (cont.) Adjectives that end in “e” or a consonant work with both genders La chica inteligente, la chica joven Some exceptions end in a consonant and add an “a” to form the feminine To make an adjective plural, add “s” if it ends in a vowel; add “es” if it ends in a consonant