Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos By JJ Chavez
What makes a bird a bird of prey A bird of prey uses his claws to get food The golden eagle uses his claws too
Unique facts Wing span is up to 7ft. Best known birds of prey
Description They have golden to blond feathers on neck They have some white on tail Weigh up to 15 pounds
Habitat/Range Trees and cliffs Migrates south
Diet Groundhogs Marmots Foxes Skunks cats Rabbits Grouse Ground squirrels Crows Pheasants Meadowlarks Tortoises Snake And many more
Hunting behaviors Golden eagle soar with the wings in a “V” shape They Glide after flapping 6 to 8 times The golden eagle's eye is almost as large as a human's, but its sharpness is at least four times that of a person with perfect vision. The eagle can probably identify a rabbit moving almost a mile away.
Life Span/Young 4 eggs are laid in 1 clutch Weigh up to 3 ounces Stays in nest for 9 to11 weeks
Natural enemies Humans Has few natural enemies
How DDT hurt the golden eagle It made the egg shell weak and it was hard to reproduce When the mother would sit on them they would break
How it is doing now The golden eagle is not endangered.
The End