Welcome to SIOP 2! Learning Target: to provide staff with a review of SIOP components and experience with SIOP friendly lessons with students as well as collaborating with colleagues
SIOP 2 Schedule 2011 Dates: (9 meetings) Jan. 6th– Lesson Preparation Feb. 3rd– Lesson Delivery Feb. 17th– Lesson Delivery Mar. 3rd– Building Background Mar. 17th– Building Background Apr. 7th– Comprehensible Input Apr. 21st– Comprehensible Input May 5th- “Potpourri” *We’ll do the other 4 components next year...
What is this going to look like? Brief review of the SIOP component of focus *Find Someone and share out Select a strategy to try (component of focus or one of the Kagan strategies) Fill out the SIOP 2 plan sheet ***Try out the strategy, complete the rest of the SIOP 2 plan sheet *Email any documents you create to Melissa, Cindy or Renee to get posted on SSD’s SIOP page/site
SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Sheltered: Make a house with your arms Instruction: Scoop with your arms and then bring them to your head Observation: Lookout over forehead Protocol: Pretend to complete a checklist
and scaffold all the way up SIOP Motto Teach to the high, support the low and scaffold all the way up
Instruction that impacts SIOP Instruction that impacts ALL students
The goal is for all students to be engaged in their learning at least 90% of the time!
1 minute = Student Share Time The 5-2-1 Model 5 minutes = Teacher Talk 2 minutes = Process Time 1 minute = Student Share Time 10 and 2 “GLAD” 10 minutes = Teacher Talk 2 minutes = Process time/student share time
SIOP has 8 Components: Lesson Preparation Building Background Knowledge Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice and Application Lesson Delivery Review and Assessment
Lesson Preparation Content objectives “ learning targets” (the What) clearly defined for students Language objective (the How) clearly defined for students Content concepts (Curriculum) appropriate for age and educational background level of students Supplementary materials used to a high degree, making the lesson clean and meaningful Adaptation of content to all levels of student proficiency Meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts with language practice opportunities for reading, writing, listening and speaking
Building Background Concepts explicitly linked to students’ background experiences Links explicitly made between past learning and new learning Key vocabulary emphasized (introduced, written, repeated, and highlighted for students to see)
Comprehensible Input Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level Clear expectations of academic tasks A variety of techniques used to make content concepts clear (modeling, visuals, hands-on activities, demonstrations, gestures, body language, etc. )
Lesson Delivery Content objectives (the What) clearly supported by the lesson Language objectives (the How) clearly supported by the lesson Students engaged approximately 90-100% of the time Pacing of the lesson appropriate to the students’ ability level