Cyber Time Kindergarten
Personal Information Is ok to share: – Favorite color – Favorite food – Likes and dislikes NOT ok to share – Your FULL name – Parents and name – Pet name
Stranger Dangers Tell an adult Say NO if you’re feeling uncomfortable: Log off Tell adult Stop playing
How to Use the Internet For school research Get teacher’s permission Educational purposes Get printing permission Think before you do, or some thing bad may happen to you!
Cyber Bullying IT’S: Unacceptable Illegal Tell an adult Stop Report it
S t a y i n g S a f e S- Safety first to avoid the worst! T- Trusting strangers is not smart so think before you start. A- Ask before you start your task. Y- Yes is not always the best. S- Safety rules are your best tools. A-At school, at home, let safety be known. F-Follow all the teacher’s directions, with no exceptions! E- Exit if you have to, so nothing will happen to you.
Safety is the best, so that don’t get yourself into a mess!!