Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s Motivations: Why Caesar? Absolute monarchy did not allow for political discourseAbsolute monarchy did not allow for political discourse means of expressing societal fears regarding England’s leadership.means of expressing societal fears regarding England’s leadership. Shakespeare’s audience identified with Caesar’s conflicts/plotShakespeare’s audience identified with Caesar’s conflicts/plot Political commentaryPolitical commentary
parallels between Caesar and Queen Elizabeth I Shift from republican to imperial Rome much like the Elizabethan trend towards consolidated monarchyShift from republican to imperial Rome much like the Elizabethan trend towards consolidated monarchy on the throne for nearly 40 years!on the throne for nearly 40 years! Grew more powerful over time, at the expense of the house of commonsGrew more powerful over time, at the expense of the house of commons Like Caesar, Elizabeth Lacked heirs to inherit throneLike Caesar, Elizabeth Lacked heirs to inherit throne British citizens feared her death would plunge England into chaos, just as Caesar’s death did to Rome.British citizens feared her death would plunge England into chaos, just as Caesar’s death did to Rome.
From Plutarch to Shakespeare Plutarch authored influential history book: Parallel LivesPlutarch authored influential history book: Parallel Lives Parallel LivesParallel Lives – Series of biographies of famous Greeks & Romans Shakespeare’s source of information for Julius Caesar.Shakespeare’s source of information for Julius Caesar.
Key Players PompeyPompey CassiusCassius BrutusBrutus Marc AntonyMarc Antony
Pompey Formed 1st Triumverate with Caesar & CrassusFormed 1st Triumverate with Caesar & Crassus Allies until death of CrassusAllies until death of Crassus Battled Caesar for powerBattled Caesar for power Married to Julia Caesar, Caesar’s daughter & only child.Married to Julia Caesar, Caesar’s daughter & only child. Defeated by Caesar and murdered by his own menDefeated by Caesar and murdered by his own men Play opens with discussion regarding Caesar’s defeat of PompeyPlay opens with discussion regarding Caesar’s defeat of Pompey
Cassius Military general & acquaintance of CaesarMilitary general & acquaintance of Caesar Shrewdly opportunisticShrewdly opportunistic Jealous of Caesar’s powerJealous of Caesar’s power
Brutus Caesar’s best “friend”Caesar’s best “friend” Staunchly supported the RepublicStaunchly supported the Republic Power to the People!Power to the People! Tragic HeroTragic Hero
Marc Antony MarriedMarried to J- Lo AllegianceAllegiance questionable SkilledSkilled orator
Why Caesar Today? LoyaltyLoyalty GreedGreed FearFear Power of RhetoricPower of Rhetoric