Karelia ENPI CBC Opening seminar for the first call Henna-Mari Helenius
Henna-Mari Helenius | Launching a project Implementation begins on the day following signing the contract. Things to do: requesting the first pre-payment drafting the partnership agreements drafting a communication/publicity plan establishing a project group setting up bookkeeping/ financial administration
Henna-Mari Helenius | The first pre-payment The amount is defined in the contract (80% of the funding of the first year) The request is drafted using the EMOS-system, printed, signed and sent to the JMA No annexes needed JMA will pay the payment within 45 days of receiving the signed request
Henna-Mari Helenius | Partnership agreements The lead partner needs to compile a partnership agreement with every partner. The idea of the agreement is to define the responsibilities and rights of the implementing parties the agreements is not for the JMA but for the organisations implementing the project. Copies of the agreements are submitted to the JMA with the first project update.
Henna-Mari Helenius | Partnership agreements There’s no model contract, but at least the following points should be taken into consideration: the roles of each organisation, the objectives, responsibilities, incl. financial responsibilities payments between partners and sharing of resources procedures if changes to the project are needed recovery of funds timetable method of decision making non-fulfilment of obligations, delay, withdrawal structure of financial administration reporting and monitoring responsibilities and timetables used languages information and promotion applicable law
Henna-Mari Helenius | Communication and publicity plan When implementing a project attention needs to be paid on communication and visibility. The Communication and visibility manual for Karelia ENPI CBC projects needs to be followed. A publicity plan is drafted and submitted to the JMA with the first project update. All partners need to have an understanding on the basic principles of publicity.
Henna-Mari Helenius | Communication and publicity plan For Example: OBJECTIVETARGET GROUPMEANSWHO?WHEN? To promote funding opportunities offered by the Programme by providing clear information about the Karelia ENPI CBC Programme for the potential beneficiaries and stakeholders - potential lead partners and partners - final beneficiaries - webisite - information material - newsletters JMASummer 2011
Henna-Mari Helenius | Project group When launching a project the project group is set up The project group acts as a support for project implementation and as a instrument for communication. The group doesn’t make administrative decisions concerning the project. Project group consists of lead partners and the partners. Names of the members ar announced to the JMA. Invitations to the meetings, agendas and minutes are sent to the contact person of the JMA. JMA has the right to participate the meetings.
Henna-Mari Helenius | Setting up bookkeeping A cost pool for the project needs to be opened. Who approves bills? Who follows the project budget (including headings)?