K-2 ELA Common Core State Standards Overview of Standards for Literature, Informational Text & Language Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card Job Alike #4 3:00 – 4:30 & 3:45 – 5:15
SessionTopics #1Introduction to ELA CCSS #2Reading Foundational Skills Part 1 #3Reading Foundational Skills Part 2 Strategies for Closing the Gap in Foundational Skills #4Overview of Standards for Literature, Informational Text & Language Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card #5Shifts: Text Based Questions #6Language (Vocab, Grammar, Usage) #7Writing & Language (Spelling, Punctuation, Capitalization #8Listening, Speaking and Assessment
Content and Language Objective Content Objectives Teachers will analyze the Common Core standards for Language Teachers will become familiar with the Reading Standards- Literature and Informational Text Teachers will identify the changes in the Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card and how each item reflects the Common Core State Standards Teachers will identify assessments to be used to evaluate academic performance on report card items Language Objectives Teachers will read, write and discuss as they - familiarize themselves with the standards for Language, Reading- Literature and Informational Text - examine the revised report card items and assessments
Standards for Language Table Activity: 30 minutes Choose a recorder Read the standards in your assigned section and write a group summary. ▫Grammar ▫Capitalization, punctuation and spelling ▫Vocabulary Acquisition & Use Locate instruction in your Scott Foresman TE and Writing Units of Study and complete the graphic organizer Share Out: Carousel Activity
Directions for Carousel Each group will… Share completed Language Standards Activity page Select one person to remain at the identified location to share summary of the Language Standards and instruction with visiting groups Rotate through locations to learn from the work of other groups
Standards for Literature & Informational Text All 10 standards for Literature & Informational Text define what students should understand and be able to do by the end of each grade The new comprehension item on the report card reflects all 20 standards (Literature & Informational Text) Kindergarten: “With prompting and support, demonstrates comprehension of narrative and informational read alouds Grades 1 & 2: “Reads and understands grade level narrative and informational text.”
CCSS K-2 Report Card Committee of teachers representing all regions of the district aligned K-2 report card to the Common Core State Standards in spring of 2012 Format, grading and effort keys and number of reporting items remain the same Report card headings reflect the CCSS strands - Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening and Language Spelling, grammar and punctuation are now under Language ( formerly under Writing)
K-2 CCSS: Report Card Comparison Partner Activity: 25 minutes 1.Complete the graphic organizer: Where is the new item found in the standards? How is the item new or different? 2.Brainstorm assessments that you can use for each item
Reading Assessments Demonstrates understanding that words are made up of sounds (phonemic awareness) DIBELS PSF PPS Phonological Awareness Assessment SF Phonemic Awareness (Monitor Progress Day 1 & 4) SF Daily Phonemic Awareness Instruction SF Quick Checkouts Identifies by name all uppercase and lower case letters in random order PPS Phonics Survey SF Phonics (Monitor Progress Day 2 & 4) Identifies by sound most consonants and all short vowels PPS Phonics Survey SF Phonics (Monitor Progress Day 2 & 4) DIBELS NWF Uses grade-level phonics to decode words SF Assess Phonics (Monitor Progress Day 5) PPS Phonics Survey SF Quick Checkouts DIBELS NWF Reads grade level text with sufficient accuracy to support comprehension SF Retelling (Monitor Progress Day 2, 3 & 5) With prompting and support, demonstrates comprehension of narrative and informational read alouds Small Group Instruction - Teacher Observation Decodable Reader K Student Reader
Content and Language Objective Content Objectives Teachers will analyze the Common Core standards for Language Teachers will become familiar with the Reading Standards- Literature and Informational Text Teachers will identify the changes in the Revised CCSS K-2 Report Card and how each item reflects the Common Core State Standards Teachers will identify assessments to be used to evaluate academic performance on report card items Language Objectives Teachers will read, write and discuss as they - examine the revised report card items and assessments - familiarize themselves with the standards for Language
PSU Credit Update… Course description and syllabus Orientation to PPS Connect site Registration isn’t required until the Spring, however assignments start in January 2 PSU credits can be earned-$55 dollars a credit- $110 total Payment isn’t required until the summer