Knowledge Question Tournament 11 Theory of Knowledge/Government Ms. Halle Bauer
Some KQs from YOU…
1. What is the relationship between the presentation of knowledge and its understood meaning? 2. How is shared knowledge affected by power? 3. To what extent do bias and credibility influence our knowledge of history? 4. What role does perspective play in the sharing or receiving of knowledge? 5. What is the role of language in the formation and acquisition of collective knowledge? 6. Is truth always necessary for everyone? 7. To what extent does truth block the acquisition of knowledge?
Which KQ do YOU think is the best? Discuss WHY with your partner. Come up with a rubric or a list of criteria to “grade” a Knowledge Question.
May the best KQ win… With your partner, derive a Knowledge Question from the following real-life situation. Write your KQ on a slip of paper and place it in the bin. Once all the KQs have been collected and put up on the board, use your KQ rubric to determine the best KQ from the available options. Tally your vote under that KQ. See which KQ is the strongest!
May the best KQ win…