Kevin Toney
European prosperity causes Catholic Church to benefit -Indulgences: - People sin, are in debt - Pay money to get out of “debt” - People then get to heaven
Is it a black mark? Martin Luther thinks so. He disagrees with indulgences
These questions on the Catholic church, lead to Protestant reformation. Protestant reformation: - If you have faith, you’re going to heaven - Based on traditions and the Bible
New ‘religion’- Calvinism - God decides if you get to go to heaven before you are born - Wore simple black clothes, avoided ‘showy’ living, worshiped in churches without statues, instruments, stained glass windows.
The society of Jesus: “Jesuits” Founded by Ignatius of Loyola ( ) - Helped win back adherents by teaching - Missionaries oversees
Not really. How do we know? -Witch hunts were a dramatic way to tell that most of the different religions were basically the same.
Occurred in Europe. - Suspicion of women acting oddly led to the belief that they were a witch. - Belief in supernatural spirits
Time of scientific development Works in science and mathematics Questions on the universe spark ‘arguments’
Law of gravity: Every object obeys a law in which there is an unseen force pulling it to the earth
Father of Liberalism - Influenced Enlightenment Thinkers Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness NOT Ben Franklin
Stated that the sun was the center of the universe, not the earth He delays the publication of his theory until the end of is life, in fear of death
Economy changes in Europe causing growing cities - Paris 1500: over 100,000 people - Paris and London 1700: over 500,000 - Twenty other European cities have over 60,000 people
Dutch pioneered chartering joint-stock companies. Effects: Gives Dutch East and West India Companies monopolies over trade in East and West Indies Basically sparks the stock market.
Status and work were closely tied to their husbands’ Could inherit the throne (royalty) Chose their own spouses. Late marriage age About 1/10 births to unmarried woman
One of the most notable ‘city-states’ in Germany Dreamt of a European empire comparable to those of Asia’s Frustration occurs
Causes: King Charles I He can’t get parliament to raise taxes He gets loans from the wealthy Rebellion in Scotland Forms new parliament, raises taxes to form army Parliament and King disagree, WAR
Effects: King Charles I loses on battlefield, still refuses to compromise a “Rump” parliament orders him executed Oliver Cromwell takes over
European rulers are in debt due to war What do they do? They promote alliances with commercial elite Trade thrives where: -gov. taxes and regulation were NOT excessive -Courts enforce contracts and collect debts -Military power were ready to defend Do that ^^ and you get money