Ruth Moyer Elementary School PTO’s Mustang Minutes Fort Thomas, KY Mustang Minutes VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 April 2014 Earn Money For Moyer!! DON’T FORGET TO ORDER YOUR MARKET DAY! Need a quick, easy dinner? We only have two Market Days left. We will have one more in June. Orders for Market Day are due to school by Monday, April 28 and online by Thursday, May 1. Pick up will be Tuesday, May 6. Thank you again for helping the school with your Market Day purchases. Market Day has raised $1, so far this year! Market Day It’s Time to Renew Your Participation in the Kroger Rewards Program Through your participation in the new Kroger Community Rewards Program, Kroger has donated over $4400 to Ruth Moyer during this school year. Please take a few minutes to renew or register to participate in the Kroger Community Rewards program and help earn even more money for Ruth Moyer. Simply: 1. Visit the Kroger website at 2. Sign in using your address and password. If you have forgotten your password, just click on "forgot password" and a link will be sent to your to change your password. If you are registering for the first time, follow the “enroll now” steps. 3. Enter Ruth Moyer’s five digit NPO number (#80083). 4. Select Ruth Moyer by clicking on the circle to the left of our name. 5. Save changes. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen Groeschen, Thank you for participating in this great program Moyer Yearbooks for Sale YEARBOOK ORDER FORMS WENT HOME BEFORE SPRING BREAK. IF YOU HAVEN'T ORDERED ONE YET IT'S NOT TO LATE. THEY ARE ONLY $20. YOU CAN ORDER ONLINE THROUGH: YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM USING MOYER'S SCHOOL CODE: , OR SEND ORDER TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR CHILD. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ORDER FORM PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHILD'S NAME AND TEACHER ON THE ENVELOPE. THIS IS A GREAT WAY TO PRESERVE THOSE WONDERFUL ELEMENTARY MEMORIES.
Monday, Feb. 18th: No School!! Thursday, Feb. 14th: Kindergarten Registration Thursday, Feb. 28th: Kindergarten Circus Monday, Jan. 21st: No School!! Friday, Feb. 15th: Moyers got Talent 6:30pm – HHS Performing Arts Center Calendar of Events Moyer’s Family Dance April 26 Moyer PTO/Spirit Day May 2 1:45 Track/Field Day May 16 State Testing (Grade 3-8, ) May PTO Board President: Tonya Tierney Treasurer: Lisa Stein Market Day: Trisha Schroeder Scrip: Kathleen Groeschen & Ashley Weinrich Volunteers: Tara Henry & Keri Welch Recording Secretary: Jamee Nickelman Membership: Christie Hosea Newsletter: Becky McIntosh Teacher Rep: Kim Vogel Santa House: Kim Cornett & Deb Pangallo Shopping ahead relieves so much pressure and no more running from store to store all day looking for supplies. The students items will be on their desks the first ay of school in a nice box with “extra” goodies inside. They get stickers with their names on them which are great to get everything labeled. Forms to be coming home soon! To order on line, go to and enter #85765 through June 30 th School Supply Order Form A BIG thank you to all those that helped with Staff Appreciation week. It was a huge success and just a small token of our thanks for all the Moyer staff and their dedication to our children. Thank you all again so very much for all of you time and commitment to our kids! Another thank you to those who volunteered and to the Moyer teachers and staff that helped with our first Grandparents Day. The Grandparents had such a nice time and the kids loved having them at school. What a wonderful start to a new tradition at Moyer! Never to early to think about Santa House! The Adult Boutique at Santa House would like to request some old, gently used items from your home to recycle into newfound beauties for the 2014 Santa House! Do you have any throw pillows you no longer use? How about large serving utensils that are taking up much needed space in your kitchen drawers? Need to clear that shelf of old mason jars? De-clutter your space by donating that piece of furniture or lamp shade you really don't have a need for anymore! (contact below for pickup) Does your husband have lots of old ties or button down dress shirts he NEVER wears? Who is ready to get rid of outgrown spirit wear? (HHS, Moyer, Reds, Bengals) Send them in with your child to school (labeled bin can be found at the front door) and we'll transform your trash into treasure! The cutoff day for collection is May 1st. Make sure you come looking for these items in November!!! Jordan Dunbar Ashley Barlow