KI 1: Where are states located?
As recently as 1940s, world contained about 50 countries—in 2009 United Nations had 192 members State- an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs Occupies a defined territory on Earth and contains a permanent population Synonym for “country”
States have sovereignty—full control of its own internal affairs States are good examples of uniform or formal regions—1 govt controls whole area 50 Stats of U.S. are really just subdivisions within 1 state, the U.S.A Independence Day for Every Country Independence Day for Every Country ewcountries.htm ewcountries.htm
Korea was Japanese colony until it was divided by Soviet Union and U.S. after WWII Split it into North and South along 38˚N Lat. Division became permanent in late 1940s after two different govt’s were established North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, starting a 3 year war that ended with a cease-fire line near the 38 th parallel
Have made efforts to reunite In 2000, countries agreed to allow exchange visits of families and increase economic cooperation Progress has been halted by North Korea’s decision to build nuclear weapons, despite not being able to feed its people ,00.html ,00.html ohNGT1w ohNGT1w
Most countries consider them separate states China believes that Taiwan is not sovereign and is part of China Problems started during Civil War between Nationalists and Communists in 1940s Nationalists fled to Taiwan and have been in control since Taiwan is most populous state not in the United Nations
-Only large land mass on Earth that is not part of a state -States signed the Antarctic Treat of 1959—no military activity, can be used for research only
On your paper, write down what you think are the 5 largest states in the world by land area.
Land area varies significantly: Largest States: Russia, Canada, United States, China, Brazil Smallest States: Vatican City, Monaco, Nauru, Tuvalu, San Marino Identify these on the map on page Roughly 24 states classified as microstates— states with vary small land areas Most are islands, explains small size and sovereignty _Sealand _Sealand
Outline pages in the textbook Everything from “Development of the State Concept” to the end of KI 1