Artificial Intelligent UDINUS 10272008 Artificial Intelligent Mochamad Hariadi ST, MSc, PhD.
Pendahuluan Artificial Intelligent adalah suatu cabang dari computer science yang berusaha untuk meniru cara kerja otak mahluk hidup
The Human Brain A network of 1014 neurons Data transfer by electric signals Dendrite cells (neurons Input) Collect signals and pass them to the neuron Neurons “Decide” when to initiate a signal Axon cells (neurons Output) Propagate neuron signals
Human Brain vs. The Computer 1014 Neurons Parallel Computing Speed: 100+ M./sec. Natural Evolution CPU - Central Processing Unit Serial Computing Approx. Speed of light “Designable”
Artificial Intelligent MAP Rangkuman dan Simpulan Agenda Hari Ini Pendahuluan 1 Artificial Intelligent MAP 2 Tools and Aplications 3 Rangkuman dan Simpulan 4
Artificial Intelligent Company Logo Common Knowledges DNA ANN Learning Training Fuzzy Evolutionary Computing . Artificial Intelligent Soft Computing
Artificial Intelligent MAP Rangkuman dan Simpulan Agenda Hari Ini Pendahuluan 1 Artificial Intelligent MAP 2 Tools and Aplications 3 Rangkuman dan Simpulan 4
Artificial Life Artificial Life adalah simulasi terbatas dari mahluk hidup dalam bentuk artificial, Virtual Reality dan Virtual Environmentnya
Artificial Fish
AI for Robot
Artificial Agent (NPC)
Natural Language
Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neural Network (ANN) or “Neural Network" (NN) Mathematical model or computational model based on biological neural networks Consist of an interconnected group of artificial neurons and processes information using a connectionist approach to computation
ANN Continue In most cases an ANN is an adaptive system that changes its structure based on external or internal information that flows through the network during the learning phase In more practical terms neural networks are non-linear statistical data modelling tools for complex relationships between inputs and outputs or to find patterns in data.
Learning and Training Neural Network Unsupervised Supervised L / T SOM Hebbia Learning K-Means Clustering Growing Grid GAS Fuzzy C-Means Supervised L / T Feed Forward Back Propagation Perceptron Hopfield LVQ PCNN
Unsupervised L / T Unsupervised Competitive Learning
Supervised Learning LVQ
ANN Video Processing Future: There will be new demands for content-based accessibility for video data. Semantic object information in video sequences is required for many advanced multimedia applications (e.g., object-based video coding, content-based video retrieval and video manipulation).
Evolutionary Computation Genetic Algorithms A process imitating natural evolution Random population Fitness function REPRODUCTION Crossover & Mutation New Generation The fittest
Genetic Algorithms A process imitating natural evolution Random population Fitness function REPRODUCTION Crossover & Mutation 3’ed Generation The fittest
Genetic Algorithms A process imitating natural evolution Random population Fitness function REPRODUCTION Crossover & Mutation 4’th Generation The fittest
Genetic Algorithms A process imitating natural evolution Random population Fittest individual Fitness function REPRODUCTION Crossover & Mutation 5’th Generation The fittest
AT HARDWARE SPEEDS!!! “Evolvable Hardware” The Application of a Genetic Algorithm on programmable hardware: Chip with random circuits Functioning circuit AT HARDWARE SPEEDS!!! Measuring circuit REPRODUCTION Best Performing circuits New Generation of mutant circuits Random Mutations Evolve Hardware to perform a desired function
Industri Chip
Artificial Intelligent MAP Rangkuman dan Simpulan Agenda Hari Ini Pendahuluan 1 Artificial Intelligent MAP 2 Tools and Aplications 3 Rangkuman dan Simpulan 4
Rangkuman dan Simpulan Artificial Intelligent telah diimplementasikan di berbagai bidang Tetapi hampir tidak mungkin untuk menggantikan fungsi manusia sebenarnya Masih banyak parameter dan phenomena AI yang harus kita explore
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Information Technology Istilah IT Teknologi Informasi Information Technology ICT Information and Communication Technology Adalah istilah yang lebih umum digunakan karena IT tidak bisa lepas dari Telekomunikasi InfoComm Di Asia juga biasa dikenal dengan nama di atas Information and Communication TELEMATIKA
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