T HE H ARLEM R ENAISSANCE Langston Hughes Countee Cullen James Weldon Johnson
C HARACTERISTICS OF THE H ARLEM R ENAISSANCE Developed in Harlem, the African- American community in uptown New York City. Included writers, poets, philosophers, musicians, artists, and filmmakers. 1920’s The works of writers usually reflected the experiences of blacks in northern cities and the rural South. Protested racial prejudice and expressed pride in African-American culture. Faded with onset of Depression as the talent scattered away from the city to find jobs.
L ANGSTON H UGHES Born in Joplin, Mo, but spent youth in Lawrence, Ks. Dropped out of college to write poetry Blacklisted in He loved Harlem, and remained there when many left
C OUNTEE C ULLEN Born in NYC or Louisville, Ky? Adopted by a Methodist minister Very well educated. Could write all types of sophisticated verse. Taught French Died of high blood pressure and uremic poisoning
J AMES W ELDON J OHNSON From Jacksonville, Florida Principal of a grammar school First African- American to be admitted to the Florida bar Active in politics; Consul to Venezuela and Nicaragua Active in NAACP Killed when a train hit his car