Stuck on Grammar The transformative power of formative assessments Kathy Haynie, Oregon City HS
What about the seniors who need to pass WRITING to graduate? Conventions Sentence Fluency
Writing Tools at OCHS Grammar Decoder Writing CBM Sentence of the Day
Let’s Try It! Writing CBM (Curriculum-Based Measure)
Protocols for Writing CBM 1 minute to think about prompt 5 minutes to write 1 minute to check for errors Write about your FAVORITE DESSERT Write about your FAVORITE DESSERT
Calculate CBM Data - Student Students complete left side of green sheet ◦ Word count ◦ Sentence data
Calculate CBM Data - Teacher Teacher completes right side of green sheet ◦ Mark errors with Grammar Decoder ◦ Tally the “small errors” and the “sentence errors”
Student tracks the weekly data Student tracks data every week on pink sheet Informal conversations after 2-3 weeks Formal reflection every 6 weeks
Informal Reflections What do you notice? What could that mean? Celebrate ________ You don’t get worse at writing!
Sentence of the Day Not based on grammar worksheets! Select sentences from the weekly CBM Sentences come from students
Order of errors? Comma splice Missing commas Awkward sentences Mixture of errors
Students say…
To improve conventions and sentence fluency… Students track weekly data Use common symbols Students practice correcting sentences daily No worksheets – authentic errors made by students in your classroom