Writer’s Notebook Starters
The earliest thing I can remember is ……..
The most important thing that has happened in my life is ……..
The thing I’ve seen that I can NOT forget is ……..
The thing that happened to me at school that I will always remember is ……..
The things that happened to me at home that I will always remember is ……..
The most embarrassing thing that has happened to me is ……..
The incident that changed my life was ……..
The time that I was totally surprised was ……..
The incident that changed how I think or feel about something was ……..
The place where I feel perfectly happy is ……..
The time when I thought my heart was breaking was ……..
The thing that happened to make me laugh really hard was……..
My best memory with my father is ……..
My best memory with my mother is ……..
My best memory with my grandparents is ……..
My best memory with my brother/sister is ……..
My best memory with my cousins is ……..
The thing in my life that made me sad was ……..
The time in my life that I was proud was when ……..
The most important thing that has happened so far in my life is ……..
My favorite memory that dealt with food was when……..
My biggest accomplishment so far in my life was when……..
One memory I have from summer was when……..
One memory I have from fall was when……..
One memory I have from winter was when……..
One memory I have from spring was when……..
Don’t tell anyone, but I am afraid of ……..
Something nice happened to me when……..
I remember doing something nice for someone else when……..
One of my biggest pet peeves is when……..
My best pet story is about……..
My best scar story is……..
I remember the time that I got into trouble for……..