How to make chocolate By: Kaitlyn Creekmore
Getting the cacoa pods First use a machete to get the pods off the trees. Then cut them open. Now put them in a box and cover them with banana leaves.
Shipping them to the factory Now you need to put them on a mat and let them dry. Put them in sacks and ship them to the factory where they can be made into chocolate.
Getting ready to be chocolate First sort the nibs according to the size. Now put them in a grinder and turn the nibs to liquid. Mix the liquid and add milk and sugar to make it taste better. It becomes coarse brown dough called “crumb”.
Making it chocolate Refine it which breaks down all the crumbs that did not get broken down. Stir it and grind it again in a conch. Temper and mold it.
The most important part EAT IT!!