Published in 1889 (during the start of the Progressive Era of U.S History. Political Cartoon Created by cartoonist Joseph Keepler who was known for sharing the growing power of trust.
The audience would have been average Americans who were not involved in trust. The cartoon shows how trust ideas got all the way to the government (federal).
The POV of the cartoon is that of an American citizen looking in from the other side. The intention is to persuade others to stay out of trust. Progressive Presidents were all about breaking up trust!
A political cartoon that is set in a congressional gathering. A sign hangs over the room that says, “This is a Senate of the monopolist, by the monopolist, and for the monopolist.
Monopolist Trust are portrayed as bloated, almost reptilian figures standing over the US Senate. A sign is over the “peoples entrance” that reads, “closed”.
Ethos: The United States senate is portrayed, which is an important part of the government, being “bullied” to vote in a “monopolist” view. Logos: Seeing what is going on makes some people maybe stop to think, “Wait a minute.” Pathos isn’t portrayed to a way that is visible to the viewer.
Sources: Brinkley, Alan, American History. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, Print Keepler, Joesph. Granger Collection