Vocabulary Lesson 15
recount If you recount a story, you tell what happened. If you ask a friend to recount an event, what are you asking them to do?
uninhabitable A place that is uninhabitable can not be lived in. Would you find a large number of animals living in an uninhabitable desert area? Why or why not?
sustain When you sustain something, you keep it going by giving it what it needs. What is one thing you can do to sustain a potted plant?
monotonous If something is monotonous, it is repetitive and boring. What do you consider a monotonous activity?
endeavor An endeavor is an activity or task you take on in effort to accomplish it. What endeavor might you take on to help your community?
dwell The place where you dwell is where you live. Where do birds usually dwell?
brimming Something that is brimming, is filled to the very top. What would happen if you added more water to a cup that was brimming with water?
teeming Something that is teeming, is over flowing with life or energy. What would a beehive teeming with life look like?
parched Something that is parched is dried out from lack of water. If you are parched, what would make you feel better?
sorrowful If you feel sorrowful, you are sad. If you listened to a sorrowful song, how might you feel afterwards?