East Fork Watershed Zack Hamblen. Info about Lewis River watersheds 212 square miles in the area Comprised primarily of rural and forested land More than.


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Presentation transcript:

East Fork Watershed Zack Hamblen

Info about Lewis River watersheds 212 square miles in the area Comprised primarily of rural and forested land More than three quarters of the watershed is in Clark County Clark county and The Ecology Department of WA have stream health data for 18 % of the East Fork Lewis River watersheds stream miles.

It has a good overall rating even though the areas of the stream are too warm and the levels of harmful bacteria have increased. Many tributaries feed the East Fork Lewis River, including upper Rock Creek in Dole Valley, Yacolt Creek, Lower Rock Creek in Fargher Lake area, Mason Creek and Lockwood Creek. Fargher Lake is actually a peat bog, which is drained and managed for agriculture.

The East Fork has no manmade obstructions or dams, this makes it easier for the Salmon to survive and swim up stream for restoration. This supports the populations of Chinook, Chum, winter and summer Steelhead, Coho and costal Cutthroat trout. 18 % of the streams are currently assessed using field testing, The entire main stream in Clark County is rated “GOOD”

The balance of the watershed is compromised of rural, suburban and urban land uses, with urban land uses increasing as the rivers near the interstate i-5 which passes La Center, Yacolt and a small portion of Battle Ground.

Overall health of the watershed streams Excellent is at 0% Good is at 14% Fair 1% Poor 3% Very Poor 0% 82 % is unassisted

Stream Life Health based on health of streambed creatures Excellent 0% Good 1% Fair 3% Poor 6% Very poor 0% 90 % is unassisted

Health for recreational use based on presence of harmful bacteria Excellent 0% Good 14% Fair 1% Poor 3% Very poor 0% 82 % is unassisted

General water quality based on temp, ph, dissolved by oxygen Excellent 13% Good 2% Fair 0% Poor 1% Very poor 1% 83% unassisted

Land Uses in East Fork Lewis River and Watershed 30% is pastures, fields, shrub land and bare earth. 12% is devolved or recently cleared forest. 58% is forested land

East Fork In September

East Fork in November