Tips for Recording Psychological Services Make daily entries of the services provided to assure the accuracy of the data. Be sure to be as timely as possible so that the student record is always current. Pay close attention to the type of service and the time required to perform the activity. Enter accordingly. Separate services into correct categories. Be careful not to duplicate or overlap services. Do not combine everything into one date if the report was written over the course of several days. Testing should always come before the final written report is documented and the dates should match the test forms. At the end of the month, review all services to assure your service entries have been recorded correctly. Continue this practice until the evaluation/re-evaluation process is complete. Maintain a caseload of students for whom you are currently part of the team. Once the IEP meeting has been held and the IEP outcome phrase entered, be sure to remove the student from your caseload and the Psychological Service option from the related service screen. Utilize the Green Checkmark/Yellow Yield Sign/Red Stop Sign to review actual IEP dates. Use the Event date as the IEP date when recording the outcome phrase in the system. Use the Event date closest to but not prior to completion of your services. Only use the dates that have a final document attached to them. Do not enter the IEP date more than once. If you are not sure how to document a particular item, contact the ACCESS team for assistance. A written report should be available for presentation to an auditor for all psychological evaluations/re-evaluations claimed under ACCESS.
Psychological Evaluation/ Re-evaluation Outcome Explanations IEP Meeting Held – Services Recommended This outcome is used when the student receives a ful l psychological evaluation/re-evaluation and is placed in Special Education. It is also used for students who receive a Speech Only or MG IEP. The comment section should be used to notate the Speech Only designation. Note: An evaluation report that can be presented under audit must be readily available. IEP Meeting Held – Services Not Recommended This outcome is used when the student has been evaluated and is found not to be in need of special education services. Students who are Non-Exceptional receive this outcome. Student Evaluated – Identified as Chapter 15 This outcome is used when the student has been evaluated and is found Non-Exceptional (not eligible for special education services) but there is an accommodation plan (504 plan) recommended to meet the needs of the student. Record Review Only This outcome is used when the student does not have a complete psychological evaluation/re-evaluation. It is usually applied when the psychologist reviews records but is not involved directly with the student evaluation. Eval Process Stopped (Explanation Required) This outcome is used when the evaluation process cannot be completed. It is usually used when a child is retained in Early Intervention Service for an additional year, the child moves out of district before the final Special Education determination is made or for children that are deceased or have some other extenuating circumstance.