KPI = Key Performance Indicators SLA = Service Level Agreement VMI = Vendor Manage Inventory IPO = Initial Public Offering SOP = Standard Operating Procedures CSF = Critical Success Factor SBN = Strategic Business Network SBU = Strategic Business Unit NVO = Networked Virtual Organisation NVE = Networked Virtual Ecosystem CMM(I) = Capability Maturity Measure (I)ntegrator BPR = Business Process Reengineering OEM = Other Equipment Manufactores ERP = Enterprise Ressource Planning ROI = Return On Investment RMO = Repair, Maintainance and Operations
Strategi Strategi er en proces og et rammeværk at handle ud fra Generic competitive strategies (P): –Cost-leadership: desire to be THE low-cost producer, broad scope, many segments, selling a standard –Differentiation: seeks to be unique, meet buyers need, different than rivals, there can be more than one in an industry –Focus: narrow competitive scope, segments, either cost advantages or differentiation focus
Other generic strategies 1.Product innovation – economy of speed 2.CRM: identify and build relationship to customers (economy of scope) 3.Infrastructure management: silmilar to Porters due to cost-leadership, high- volume and repetitive operational risk (economy of scale) All 3 cannot operate within the same org.
Porter Five forces is fine for identifying the attractiveness of an industry, the key competitive forces and potential change, but not helpful for identifying collaboration or define what individual competitors are doing. Competition is based on products, and substitute products pose a threath. Attractive industries have economy of scale and high entry barriers Competition is at the core of the success or failure of firms
Prahalad & Hamel Core competencies: –Collective learning, communication and involvement across org. boundaries –Shared understanding of customers need and of technological possibilities –Knowledge fads if it is not used –Difficult for competitors to imitate –Build through a process of continupus improvement and enhancement
IT does/does not matter IMOD: –IT er blevet en commodity –Vi bruger alle de samme standarder for at skabe interoperabilitet –De competitive advantages er små –Rapid price deflation –Highly raplicable –Foremost a transport system, der gør firms transparante FOR: –IT is influencing every business process –The basis for new ways of organising –Værdiforøgende –Optimering –Effektivitet –Innovation (increased) –procesoptimeringsværktøj
Status for e-business DK is in a pole position using the net for advertising/marketing, selling/purchase on-line, integrating business processes with customer/supplier, exchanging operational data with supplier Inhibitors for the danish networked economy: small production of it-hardware Status que on efficient business processes, increased staff efficiency, cost reduction, inreased sales.
Business model A way of identifying an org.s customers and discuss how the org. Will achieve profitability and sustainability by delivering goods and services (value) to those customers Generic models based on product, service, community –Direct-to-customers –The marketplace model –The content provider model
Evolving the business model 4 E´er når man skal udvikle sin business model: –Enhance – new and better features –Expand – new offerings or new markets –Extend – new BM’s or new businesses –Exit – drop a product or exit the market
6 elements in the architecture of a business model 1.Customer management 2.Product and service portfolio – product lifecycle: emerging, growth, maturity or decline 3.Processes and activities 4. Resources, capabilities and assets 5. Suppliers and business networks 6. Financial viability – profitability and sustainability (manage cach flow)