Advanced Networking Chapter 15 JEOPARDY Questions by Judy Kehr’s 3 rd and 6 th Period IT Classes
RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Topologies Safety Installation/ Configuration Trouble- shooting ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄ Ports & Protocols Ports & Protocols Components
Question Three hazards of working with fiber optic cable. Safety 100 A: What are dangerous chemicals, light that can burn your eyes, and tools with sharp edges that can produce glass splinters
Question A: Example? Example Safety
Question A: Example? Example Safety 300
Question A: Example? Example Safety 400
Question A: Example ? Example Safety 500
Question A: Example? Example Topologies
Question A: Example? Example Topologies 200
Question Topologies 300 A: Example? Example
Question A: Example? Example. Topologies 400
Question Topologies 500 A: Example? Example
Question A: Example? Example. Ports & Protocols 100
Question A: Example? Example. Ports & Protocols 200
Question A: Example? Example. Ports & Protocols 300
Question A: Example. Example Ports & Protocols 400
Question A: Example? Example. Ports & Protocols 500
Question A: Example. Example. Components 100
Question A: Example? Example. Components 200
Question A: Example? Example. Components 300
Question A: Example? Example Components 400
Question A: Example? Example Components 500
Question A: Example? Example Installation/Configuration 100
Question A: Example? Example. Installation/Configuration 200
Question A: Example? Example Installation/Configuration 300
Question A: Example? Example. Installation/Configuration 400
Question Question: Example? Example: Installation/Configuration 500
Question A: Example? Example Troubleshooting 100
Question A: Example? Example. Troubleshooting 200
Question A: Example? Example. Troubleshooting 300
Question A: What is Close with the customer? Example Troubleshooting 400
Question A: Example? Example. Troubleshooting 500
Question A: Example? Type your final Jeopardy answer here. Final Jeopardy