Fibonacci By Andréa Rivard
Leonardo Fibonacci Born in Italy c.1170 Arabic numerals, algorithms and algebraic methods, and a facility in fractions Fibonacci Sequence Discovered it by studying rabbit regeneration
More on Fibonacci Grew up in North Africa Published the book Liber Abaci Fun fact! Liber Abaci means the book of abacus but the book has nothing to do with the abacus This problem was featured in his book: Beginning with a single pair of rabbits (one male and one female), how many pairs of rabbits will be born in a year, assuming that every month each male and female rabbit gives birth to a new pair of rabbits, and the new pair of rabbits itself starts giving birth to additional pairs of rabbits after the first month of their birth?
The Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 Each number is a sum of the two numbers preceding it Appears throughout the “biological realm”, music, etc
The Rabbits Each number is a sum of the two previous numbers because the number of rabbit pairs in a previous generation plus all of the newborn pairs is equal to all of the rabbits who are more than two months old Fibonacci’s rabbits never die
Fibonacci Spiral The spiral appears in nature, often in the way leaves grow or the way seeds grow They usually have consecutive Fibonacci numbers 8 clockwise, 13 counter-clockwise, 13 counter- clockwise, 21 clockwise, etc. Minimize space and energy uses
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Variations on the Fibonacci Sequence Can start with any number, as long as it follows the pattern 3, 3, 6, 9, 15, 24……Fibonacci sequence .1, .1, .2, .3, .5, .8……Fibonacci sequence
“Fibs” Poems that follow the sequence Six lines Created by Greg Pincus Example: One Small Precise, Poetic, Spiraling mixture Math plus poetry yields the Fib
Works Cited "Leonardo Fibonacci." Columbia Encyclopedia. EBSCOhost. Grand Junction, CO. Central High School.18 May 2009 <>. Choi, Charles Q. "Fibonacci Fandango." Scientific American EBSCOhost. Central High School, Grand Junction, CO. 18 May 2009 <>. Entin, Carli. "We're Not Fibbing!" Scholastic Math EBSCOhost. Central High School, Grand Juncion, CO. 18 May 2009 <>. "The (Fabulous) Fibonacci Numbers." Science News EBSCOhost. Central High School, Grand Junction, CO. 18 May 2009 <>. Fibonacci sequence. Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2008. Scott, Kim. "Fibonacci's World." Discover Apr. 2007: EBSCOhost. Central High School, Grand Junction, CO. 19 May 2009 <>. "Do Plants Know Math?" USA Today Magazine June 2003: EBSCOhost. Central High School, Grand Junction, CO. 19 May 2009 <>.