Welcome to TVHS and C.P. English 9! Mrs. Starrett T2
Homeroom Announcements Attendance and Tardies Bus Line-Up Dress Code Food Service – No charges! Food and drink in the classrooms Schedule Changes – through this Fri. only
C.P. 9 Introduction “I AM” Writing Assignment – 30 pts. I am… a/an/the NOUN. 1-2 sentence explanation ADJECTIVE. 1-2 sentence explanation ADVERB & VERB. 1-2 sentence explanation ADJECTIVE. (new one) 1-2 sentence explanation a/an/the NOUN. (new one) 1-2 sentence explanation Guidelines: Complete on construction paper. - you may use 2 Use grammatically complete sentences for explanations. Include a minimum of 5 visuals cut out from magazines or brought from home to surround your writing. If using a magazine or similar source for pictures, cite the title underneath the visual. You have tomorrow in class to work. Due beginning of class on Fri.