Weekly Plan ENG II CP 23-27 August 2010
Students will: Spell– and use correctly– specific vocabulary Understand and be able to differentiate between simple, compound, and complex sentences. Understand the characteristics of a myth and how myths reflect the lives and concerns of those who created those myths. Understand the use of an epic as an example of important cultural value traits. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text. (Emergence, shape, and refinement)
Vocabulary Epic hero (n.)—A character in a myth who usually reflects important cultural values through his/ her personality traits or actions. Fathom (v.)– Understand. Visual (adj.)—Of or having to do with sight. Secular (adj.)—Of the world; not religious. Soothsayer (n.)– Fortune teller. Griot (n.)—African storyteller. Sage (n.)—Wise man.
Recall Questions According to the narrator of Sundiata, what lesson does the story of Mari Djata's childhood teach? Before his death, what present does the king give to Mari Djata in Sundiata? Who becomes all-powerful right after the king's death? What injustice occurs after the king's death? Why was the iron bar that helps Mari Djata walk made years in advance?
Discussion Questions What does The Sundiata suggest about the value Africans placed on family? How is this similar to Bedford? What role does Sassouma, the king's first wife, play? How is this similar to some people in Bedford? What epic hero qualities does Mari Djata possess? How are the communities in the Sundiata and here in Bedford similar? How are they different? What does the gift of the griot tell about the African culture?
Main Idea Maps Assistance Click here for help with your Main Idea Map for The Sundiata.
Simple Sentences A simple sentence contains a single subject and predicate. It describes only one thing, idea or question For example: Jill reads. Even the addition of adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases to a simple sentence does not change it into a complex sentence. The brown dog with the red collar always barks loudly.
Compound Sentences Compound sentences are made up of two or more simple sentences combined using a conjunction such as and, or or but. For example: "The sun was setting in the west and the moon was just rising." Each clause can stand alone as a sentence. "The sun was setting in the west. The moon was just rising."
Complex Sentences Complex sentences describe more than one thing or idea and have more than one verb in them. They are made up of an independent clause and a dependent (or subordinate) clause (which cannot stand by itself). Examples include: "My mother likes dogs that don't bark.“ If you’re sure it’s right, I am okay with the answer, too.” Dependent clauses can be nominal, adverbial or adjectival.
Writing Response In your journal, create a well-reasoned response of at least 50 words to the following prompt: Do you agree with the idea from the Sundiata that your destiny or fate is planned out for you before birth? Why or why not?
Recall Questions What does Sage Viswamithra want Rama to do? Why will Sage Viswamithra accept help only from Rama and no one else? According to the Ramayana, how did a king treat a sage in ancient India? Before he became a sage, what position did Viswamithra hold in the Ramayana? Before Rama's departure, how does Viswamithra comfort the king? Based on the Ramayana, what technique was used in ancient India to overcome bodily discomfort?
Discussion Questions How does Rama prove himself to be an epic hero? Which quality of an epic hero is most important to Rama in this selection? What may Thataka from the Ramayana be seen as a symbol of? What does Rama's hesitation before attacking Thataka show? What does the Ramayana reveal about how evil was viewed in ancient India? At the end of the selection from the Ramayana, what does the appearance of the gods show?
Day Lesson Monday Discuss Friday’s test Discuss Epic heroes, The Sundiata Tuesday Complete Recall/ Discussion Questions Discuss and complete MIMs Wednesday Read The Ramayana Thursday Classroom Discussion Friday Test– The Sundiata, The Ramayana Sentence Construction Vocabulary
Day What’s Due Monday Vocabulary Definitions (Journal) Tuesday Recall/ Discussion Questions (Due Friday) Main Idea Maps (Due Friday) Wednesday Writing response (Journal) Grammar Lesson (Journal) Thursday Recall/ Discussion questions (Due Friday) Friday Test
Days to Remember Major Assignments Thursday, 2 Sept Create your own god/ pantheon of gods or epic hero specifically for “high school” culture 16 Sept Original myth/ folk tale explaining a specific value in your culture