Remote Sensing Solutions
Story Turnover : 2 Millions euro Personnel: 15 persons Flyby is an independent private Italian SME company funded in Mission Answering to emerging needs in georeferenced information and knowledge by the integration and deployment of innovative remote sensing system and services Interdisciplinary background and expertise in various fields allow Flyby to face complex challenges in applied research and to develop innovative solutions that bring a high added value to the Customers.
Main market sectors Environment Security and Defence Tourism outdoor Activities Renewable Energies Airborne Remote Sensing Systems
Earth Observation SAT facilities ENVISAT Meteosat Second Generation Meteosat Second Generation Satellite-link 1 km pancromatic + 3 km resolution multispectral images 15 minutes period ESA/ENVISAT Satellite-link MERIS 300 m resolution AATSR 1 km resolution Daily products RapidEye Constellation Flyby is the official distributor for Italy 5 m resolution - 5 spectral channels Scheduled acquisition
Key competences - GIS and webGIS services -Data analysis, data fusion and image processing -Earth Observation image acquisition and processing -Optical multispectral remote sensing techniques -Imaging optoelectronic systems and devices integration -Embedded electronics systems - UV/VIS/NIR radiometry and spectroradiometry
Environment: Water Quality Analysis Using EO satellite data, Flyby supplies a set of marine parameters which allow to evaluate the platforms environmental impact avoiding the need for expensive in-situ measurement campaigns: Flyby offers services for Off-shore plant monitoring devoted to oil & gas extraction industries interested in the evaluation and monitoring of their platforms impact on the marine environment. The service has been developed in the framework of ESA’s BIOSHORE project for Eni E&P Suspended sediments map Transparency map Platforms Chlorophyll-a concentration Yellow substance concentration Suspended sediments concentration Transparency Sea surface temperature Currents, winds, waves.
GPRS link Satellite link Web interface for PV plant remote control Earth observation satellites Produced energy counter Data processing center Data logger Sensors Inverters Renewable Energies: PV Plant Remote Control Alert
Via Puini 97 – LIVORNO – Italy Dr. Emilio Simeone