AP Prüfung Wichtige Informationen…
Multiple Choice GUESS!! No penalty for wrong answers Mark up the texts Take notes on the listening parts
Persuasive Essay Reference ALL 3 sources MUST take a side - State your opinion clearly – use opinion vocab in intro and conclusion Use text for spelling/definite articles! Variety of vocabulary and transitions Own original wording (not just from text) Complex sentences BUT comprehensible Use of “man” – singular! Own original argument Transposed word order! Add cultural information when you can!
Sehr geehrte/Sehr geehrter Lowercase first letter after comma Answer all questions Ask for more details Stay FORMAL – write Sie, Sie, Ihnen, Ihr Complex but comprehensible Use cheat sheet phrases Mit freundlichen Grüβen Sign with German first and last name Add cultural information when possible Original wording (not just from )
Conversation Read Übersicht carefully (check for informal – talking to friend/relative) Chunk into 6 sections with big lines Underline what you are to do/say Put yourself into the situation - ENERGY Follow along with finger Use idiomatic phrases (Ach so, Genau, Eigentlich, Sag mal, usw.) Say hello and goodbye Speak clearly
Cultural Comparison Read prompt carefully Don’t just read the prompt at beginning – put into your own words ORGANIZE ideas with an outline BOTH countries Examples and details for each idea In den Vereinigten Staaten/in den USA/in Amerika Inverted word order after prep phrase Use conjunctions!
You are prepared and you can do it!!!!