Parent Night Advisement Current 9-11 Students Counselor Webpage:
SUBJECT ALHAMBRA GRADUATION (230 credits minimum) By the end of 9 th 60 cr., 10 th 120 cr., 11 th 180 cr.) UNIVERSITY OF CA and CA STATE UNIVERSITY (Also known as A-G requirements) (Minimum grade C- A’s & B’s are best) English 4 years One class at each grade level, can be a combo of ELD & English 4 years All must be College Prep Classes Fine Arts 1 year ORAND World Language 1 year 2 years-(Same Language) (3 years recommended for UC) Mathematics 3 years: 1 year Algebra 2 years of additional Math 3 years: Alg. 1, Geometry & Alg. 2 (4 years recommended for UC) Physical Education 2 years: 1 year must be PE 9 not required Science 2 years: 1 year Life Science 1 year Physical Science 2 years Lab Science: 2 years Lab Science: 1 year Biology 1 year Biology 1 year Chemistry or Physics (3 Year recommended for UC) recommended for UC) Social Science 3 years: 3 years: 1 year Modern World 1 year U.S. History ½ year Civics, ½ year Economics 2 years: 1 yr. Modern World 1 yr. U.S. History 2 years: 1 yr. Modern World 1 yr. U.S. History Electives 8 classes (16 semesters) 1 year College Prep Elective from: English, Adv. Math, Lab Science, Social Sciences, Computers, Arts, History, World Language, Etc. California HS Exit Exam (CAHSEE) The test is taken in 10th grade and students must pass both the English and Math portions. not required
College Entrance Tests PSAT Take October Sophomore year Take October Sophomore year Take again in Junior year/Qualify for National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) possibilities Take again in Junior year/Qualify for National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) possibilities Test sections: Critical Reading, Math, Writing Skills Test sections: Critical Reading, Math, Writing Skills Check YES-Student Search Services Check YES-Student Search Services ACT with Writing Take Spring Junior year Take Spring Junior year Retake Fall Senior year if needed Retake Fall Senior year if needed Test sections: English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing Test sections: English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing Measures “What you know” Measures “What you know” SAT Take Spring Junior year Take Spring Junior year Retake Fall Senior year if needed Retake Fall Senior year if needed Test sections: Critical Reading, Math, Writing Test sections: Critical Reading, Math, Writing Measures “How you know it” Measures “How you know it” SAT Subject tests Starting with the fall class of 2012 the UC’s will no longer be requiring SAT subject tests. However, depending on your student’s major/school, they may recommend subject tests Starting with the fall class of 2012 the UC’s will no longer be requiring SAT subject tests. However, depending on your student’s major/school, they may recommend subject tests Many private colleges require/recommend SAT subject tests Many private colleges require/recommend SAT subject tests If student needs them, take Spring Junior year If student needs them, take Spring Junior year Retake Fall Senior year if needed Retake Fall Senior year if needed Offered in a variety of subject areas: History, Literature, Mathematics (Level 2 only), Science or Language Other Than English. Offered in a variety of subject areas: History, Literature, Mathematics (Level 2 only), Science or Language Other Than English.
College Search Research Research AHS Counselor Website: AHS Counselor Website: By the end of Junior year, students should have a List of 3-4 Dream/Reach, 3-4 Good/Probable, 3-4 Safe/Acceptable Schools By the end of Junior year, students should have a List of 3-4 Dream/Reach, 3-4 Good/Probable, 3-4 Safe/Acceptable Schools Students should narrow their choices by the fall of their senior year to the 8-12 schools that they will be applying to which cover dream/good/safe schools. Students should narrow their choices by the fall of their senior year to the 8-12 schools that they will be applying to which cover dream/good/safe schools. Continue to Visit Campuses Continue to Visit Campuses In session In session Take tours Take tours Talk to students on campus Talk to students on campus Schedule interviews with admissions counselors for those schools they are serious about Schedule interviews with admissions counselors for those schools they are serious about Visit college fairs Visit college fairs In April, St. Mary’s College offers one of the Bay Area’s biggest college fairs. In April, St. Mary’s College offers one of the Bay Area’s biggest college fairs. Look for the right “fit” Look for the right “fit” Size Size Location Location Type and price Type and price Major Major Activities available Activities available Your academic match (GPA, test scores, course pattern, etc) Your academic match (GPA, test scores, course pattern, etc)
DVC/Community College AHS would like every student to be A-G eligible and able to apply to 4-year schools at the time of graduation, regardless of their post secondary choice. AHS would like every student to be A-G eligible and able to apply to 4-year schools at the time of graduation, regardless of their post secondary choice. Diablo Valley College Diablo Valley College Degree in Arts/Science (AA/AS) Degree in Arts/Science (AA/AS) Career/Technical Certificate Career/Technical Certificate Over 30 career/technical programs offered Over 30 career/technical programs offered Transfer to a UC/CSU or private school Transfer to a UC/CSU or private school Know your major/school Know your major/school Open Major is okay Open Major is okay Spring assessment tests Spring assessment tests Math Math English English SAT/ACT are NOT required SAT/ACT are NOT required Counseling 095 (DVC) Counseling 095 (DVC) Meet with DVC counselor to plan course of study Meet with DVC counselor to plan course of study Priority registration next Fall Priority registration next Fall Counseling 096 (DVC) Counseling 096 (DVC) For students who have in interest in playing sports in college For students who have in interest in playing sports in college
Vocational/Technical Schools Military Service/Other Options Vocational or Technical Schools Vocational or Technical Schools Contact school directly Contact school directly Find out what is required for enrollment Find out what is required for enrollment Ask about financial aid Ask about financial aid Military Service Military Service Contact a recruiter Contact a recruiter Job/Station choice Job/Station choice Sign up for the Education GI Bill Sign up for the Education GI Bill Other Options Other Options Job Corps: Job Corps: Americorps: Americorps: California Conservation Corps: California Conservation Corps: Apprenticeship Programs/Building Trades Council: Apprenticeship Programs/Building Trades Council:
College Preparation For Senior Year Attend AHS College Night/Financial Aid Night –Do not rule out any colleges at this time because of money. –Start searching for scholarships Check out the weekly AHS Scholarship bulletin on the counseling page – –FAFSA/Cal Grant winter of your student’s senior year Get a Social Security Card –Students will need it for college and financial aid applications Applications –Applications open October 1 st CSU’s/November 1 st UC’s/Private schools vary –UC/CSU applications are due November 30 th/ Private school deadlines vary. –DVC applications are completed in the Spring Personal statements –UC’s/Private Schools require, it is not too early to get started Letters of Recommendation –Private Schools require, now is the time for your student to start thinking about who they want to write them. –You student’s counselor is often required to write a letter. In order for us to do this, your student will need to complete a “Brag Sheet”. They can pick one up from the Counseling Office.
Prospective College Athletes Check out Counselor Student Athlete Website –4 year plan Check out NCAA Web site – or –Print the “Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete.” –Register at the end of Junior year –NCAA Core course requirements (Important: The requirements are changing) Div 1: 16 core course are still required, but starting August 2015 there are new academic rules Div 2: Starting August core courses not 14 will be required Students should check the NCAA site for the specifics Other Options –National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics –National Christian College Athletic Association –National Junior College Athletic Association Start athletic resume/video of skills. Students should talk with their coach about their potential. Contact coaches at prospective colleges. Participate in tournaments/events where potential college scouts may be. Continue college search, make lists of abilities, preferences, personal qualities.
Online Scheduling for School Year March 12 th to March 23 rd You will need: A copy of your students transcript which was given to them during their advisement sessions A copy of your students transcript which was given to them during their advisement sessions Web Address: AHS Home Page: Web Address: AHS Home Page: Student User Name: (Used to log on to school computers) Student User Name: (Used to log on to school computers) Student/Password: (Used to log on to school computers) Student/Password: (Used to log on to school computers) Course Catalog for which is only available online Course Catalog for which is only available online Grade level course planning guide given to students during their advisement sessions Grade level course planning guide given to students during their advisement sessions It is recommended to complete the 4-year course planning guide given to students during their advisement sessions It is recommended to complete the 4-year course planning guide given to students during their advisement sessions Parent/Guardian for Advice/Review Parent/Guardian for Advice/Review Changes To Locked Classes Pre-AP or AP Classes: sign up as an additional class. We will remove the non-AP class from their schedule once the recommendation has been confirmed Pre-AP or AP Classes: sign up as an additional class. We will remove the non-AP class from their schedule once the recommendation has been confirmed Alternate Electives: Be sure to provide alternate choices for each elective class. If students do not, we will. Be sure to provide alternate choices for each elective class. If students do not, we will. Problems? Come to the Counseling Office or the Writing Center for help before the March 23 rd deadline. Computers are available for student use at the Writing Center and the Library Media Center during school hours and immediately after school each day.
Websites of interest AHS Counseling Web Page AHS Webstore Career Interest Inventory College Search/SAT/AP Exam Prep ACT CollegeWeekLive CollegeWeekLive are free, online events designed to connect prospective students with colleges and universities in a live, interactive environment. Go to for more information or to register for free. Financial Aid AHS Scholarship Bulletin: p.bulletin.htm p.bulletin.htm Fast Web: FAFSA: Cal Grant: