CARE C oyotes A ctively R eading E veryday C oyotes A ctively R eading E veryday
Background Our Schoolwide Data Team decided to form a subcommittee to look into how we could reach goal #1 on the School Improvement Plan Our Schoolwide Data Team decided to form a subcommittee to look into how we could reach goal #1 on the School Improvement Plan Percentage of students receiving free and reduced meals who score goal and higher in reading will increase from 33% to 51% over a three year period. Percentage of students receiving free and reduced meals who score goal and higher in reading will increase from 33% to 51% over a three year period. Our Schoolwide Data Team decided to form a subcommittee to look into how we could reach goal #1 on the School Improvement Plan Our Schoolwide Data Team decided to form a subcommittee to look into how we could reach goal #1 on the School Improvement Plan Percentage of students receiving free and reduced meals who score goal and higher in reading will increase from 33% to 51% over a three year period. Percentage of students receiving free and reduced meals who score goal and higher in reading will increase from 33% to 51% over a three year period.
What Does Research Say About Independent Reading? The amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achievement made by students between second and fifth grade. Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) The amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achievement made by students between second and fifth grade. Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988)
What Does Research Say About Independent Reading? If children read 1 million words in a year, at least 1,000 words will be added to their vocabulary. If children read 1 million words in a year, at least 1,000 words will be added to their vocabulary. When books are readily available, when the print environment is rich, more reading is done. When books are readily available, when the print environment is rich, more reading is done. Access to a school library results in more reading. Access to a school library results in more reading. Children read more when they listen to stories and discuss stories. Children read more when they listen to stories and discuss stories. (Krashen, 1993) If children read 1 million words in a year, at least 1,000 words will be added to their vocabulary. If children read 1 million words in a year, at least 1,000 words will be added to their vocabulary. When books are readily available, when the print environment is rich, more reading is done. When books are readily available, when the print environment is rich, more reading is done. Access to a school library results in more reading. Access to a school library results in more reading. Children read more when they listen to stories and discuss stories. Children read more when they listen to stories and discuss stories. (Krashen, 1993)
NUA 5 Critical Experiences Responding to a variety of texts Responding to a variety of texts Sustained reading of a variety of self- selected texts Sustained reading of a variety of self- selected texts Composing: Oral and Written Composing: Oral and Written In a variety of modalities In a variety of modalities Studying and mastering language patterns Studying and mastering language patterns Learning how to learn Learning how to learn Responding to a variety of texts Responding to a variety of texts Sustained reading of a variety of self- selected texts Sustained reading of a variety of self- selected texts Composing: Oral and Written Composing: Oral and Written In a variety of modalities In a variety of modalities Studying and mastering language patterns Studying and mastering language patterns Learning how to learn Learning how to learn
What is CARE? Coyotes Actively Reading Everyday A daily time devoted to students reading self-selected books without interruption. A daily time devoted to students reading self-selected books without interruption. Does not take the place of direct reading instruction. Does not take the place of direct reading instruction. A daily time devoted to students reading self-selected books without interruption. A daily time devoted to students reading self-selected books without interruption. Does not take the place of direct reading instruction. Does not take the place of direct reading instruction.
Why have Protected Reading? Supported by research Supported by research Find a way to encourage reluctant readers Find a way to encourage reluctant readers Foster a love of reading Foster a love of reading Increase stamina Increase stamina Increase vocabulary Increase vocabulary Increase independence Increase independence Increase reading levels Increase reading levels Supported by research Supported by research Find a way to encourage reluctant readers Find a way to encourage reluctant readers Foster a love of reading Foster a love of reading Increase stamina Increase stamina Increase vocabulary Increase vocabulary Increase independence Increase independence Increase reading levels Increase reading levels
Your Mission Designate ____ minutes a day for protected reading Designate ____ minutes a day for protected reading K 10 min midyear K 10 min midyear Gr min Gr min Gr min Gr min Have brief conversations with approximately 2-5 students a day about their independent reading books. Have brief conversations with approximately 2-5 students a day about their independent reading books. Meet with every student every other week. Meet with every student every other week. Designate ____ minutes a day for protected reading Designate ____ minutes a day for protected reading K 10 min midyear K 10 min midyear Gr min Gr min Gr min Gr min Have brief conversations with approximately 2-5 students a day about their independent reading books. Have brief conversations with approximately 2-5 students a day about their independent reading books. Meet with every student every other week. Meet with every student every other week.
What will CARE look like? Daily protected reading time. Daily protected reading time. Students will keep reading logs Students will keep reading logs Teachers will have conversations with 2-5 students a day (meet with each student every other week) Teachers will have conversations with 2-5 students a day (meet with each student every other week) Teachers will keep notes on conversations about books Teachers will keep notes on conversations about books Daily protected reading time. Daily protected reading time. Students will keep reading logs Students will keep reading logs Teachers will have conversations with 2-5 students a day (meet with each student every other week) Teachers will have conversations with 2-5 students a day (meet with each student every other week) Teachers will keep notes on conversations about books Teachers will keep notes on conversations about books
The conversation is key Conversations or conferencesConversations or conferences Drive motivationDrive motivation Build relationshipsBuild relationships Facilitate goal settingFacilitate goal setting One on one attentionOne on one attention
Sample Conference Log
CARE C oyotes A ctively R eading E veryday C oyotes A ctively R eading E veryday