Chapter 14 Ty Waits, Shawn Blum
Weights We think it is candy Archeologists think that they might have used these weights to measure grains and money. The farmers used the weights to measure the grains and other stuff they got. The farmers also had weights else where in the city.
Great Bath I think that it is used for cleaning your self or many people at a time. Archeologists believe that it was a 39ft long and eight feet deep. It was used for a pool on hot days They enjoyed washing there self in the cool water. Religious rituals
Stories I think that these are stories told by the Indians. Archeologists think these are pictures that stand for sounds objects and ideas. Many seals show animals such as buffalo bulls, tigers, fish, elephants and crocodiles. People may have worn these as charms.
Clay Statue and Beads Our hypothesis is that these were used for decorations and beauty around the city. Archeologists say that the beads are made for women to look beautiful around the city. The archeologists say that the statues were sometimes made for famous people around the city.
Water system I think it is used for water to be carried around the city. Archeologists believe that this is used for carrying around nasty water. Rich and poor people use this sewer.
Homes I think this is used for people to get though the city without walking in the streets. Archeologists think that these openings were entrances to houses. The houses had narrow and thin sheet windows. Homes had a dozen rooms but scientists believed that poor people had smaller houses.
Games We think that those are games that people used to play. Archeologists believe that these were games that used marbles and dice. Some games had clay tracks a stone game board. The game chess what probably invented by the Indians. The children of Mohenjodaro played simpler games. Some of the objects found by the archeologists might have been kids toys.
Clay Models We think these were used for decorations around houses. Archeologist have found these small clay models all over the city Mohenjodaro. Most models are made of terra cotta. But archeologists believe how also it shows how farm goods were transferred to the cities market on market day.