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This is essentially buying stocks on credit because the investor only puts down a small percentage of the actual price What is margin buying?
When the Great Depression began, he believed that it would be short so he didn’t do much Who is Herbert Hoover?
FDR was afraid that the Great Depression would lead to this sort of government in the U.S. What is a dictatorship?
These are FDR’s “Three Rs” What are relief, recovery, and reform?
Overproduction + Underconsumption = _________ What is unemployment?
This woman first introduced FDR to the inner city poor Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
The name given to the day the stock market crashed What is Black Tuesday?
This best describes the economic situation when Hoover was elected What is booming/prosperous?
This was the subject of FDR’s first Fireside Chat What is banking?
This time period at the beginning of FDR’s administration was important because many laws were passed to help the country What is the First 100 Days?
The name for the region plagued by dust storms in the 1930s and 40s What is the Dust Bowl?
These people fled the Midwest for California, where they were faced with discrimination and hatred Who are Okies?
Americans of this national heritage were rounded up and deported in California because of the labor surplus What is Mexicans?
Hoover believed that the establishment of these would best aid struggling farmers What are cooperatives (co-ops)?
This Lincoln era act was partially responsible for the widespread destruction of land in the Midwest What is the Homestead Act (1862)?
This insured bank deposits (now up to $100,000) What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
This established a pension system for retired workers What is the Social Security Act (SSA)?
This was passed during the First 100 Days to ensure the stability of banks What is the Emergency Banking Act (EBA)?
This was the first legislation designed to provide direct relief to the needy What is the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA)?
Hoover actually created this organization to give money to big businesses early on in the Great Depression What is the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)?
This helped electrify the rural south and built electrical dams What is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)?
This gave young men jobs doing environmental work What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)? This controversial act paid farmers to plow under crops and kill livestock to raise prices…even though people were starving across the U.S.
This organization controlled wages and prices… unfortunately it also forced small business owners out What is the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?
This provided young people with job training and educational scholarships What is the National Youth Administration (NYA)?