Unit VIA Quest Review. Q: X-Ray A: Roentgen Q: Charles “The Turnip” Townsend A: Crop rotation Q: Period in Japan between 794-1185CE A: Heian Period Q:


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Presentation transcript:

Unit VIA Quest Review

Q: X-Ray A: Roentgen Q: Charles “The Turnip” Townsend A: Crop rotation Q: Period in Japan between CE A: Heian Period Q: Treating and preventing illness were A: Changes to 19 th century healthcare Q: After 1850 a worker would have A: Better working conditions

Q: The mythology that the sun created the A: Islands of Japan Q: Significance of Malthus and Ricardo A: Came up with new economic laws that impacted the IR Q: Our behavior lies with our consciousness A: Freud Q: Every year a part of the land was not used (field system) A: Three field system

Q: Laissez-Faire A: Government stay out of the affairs of business Q: Bessemer A: Bessemer process making steel stronger Q: Industrialization A: Replacing labor with machines Q: Impressionism A: Use of small strokes used to simulate light (made the painting look out of focus from a distance)

Q: Global inequality A: Gap between industrial and non- industrial country Q: Japan’s pressure to industrialize and westernize was during the ___ period A: Meji Q: Pasteur is significant because A: Cleanliness helped to prevent disease Q: Fourier, Owen, Saint-Simon were A: Marxists

Q: Improvements in transportation (i.e. RR) did what A: Linked areas/products would get to all consumers/lowered transportation costs/form new industrial states Q: Overall effect of the IR A: People were better off than before Q: Costs of goods would go down because of A: Mass production Q: Stated that religion is no longer an important source of any wisdom A: Nietzsche

Q: Produce only what you need to survive A: Subsistence farming Q: Reason for the growth of overseas empires A: Need for raw materials Q: Iron Law of Wages A: Ricardo Q: First industry to benefit from the IR A: Agriculture Q: Who suggested that the Bible might be wrong with his theory A: Darwin

Q: Why did unions develop A: Gain improvements in working conditions Q: Code of Bushido A: Similar to the knights code of chivalry/laws in which the samurai lived by Q: Germany and the IR (what did they produce) A: Produced chemicals and electricity Q: British Factory Acts of 1819 and 1833 A: Child labor laws

Q: Most lower class women had to A: Work outside the home Q: Urban life in the early 19 th century A: Unsanitary and lack of space Q: Positivism A: People deserve good things to happen to them Q: Key economic principal in communism was A: Government ownership of property Q: New concept between space and time A: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Q: People need to be self-sufficient A: Liberalism Q: 1 ST thing reformed in the factory system A: Child labor laws Q: Pursuit of wealth A: Important value of the capitalist class Q: No minimum wage/worked 6 days a week/exploitation of children and women/16 hour working day A: Typical working conditions

Q: Prior to the IR __% worked on farms A: 90 Q: “Bourgeoisie Century” A: Most influential segment in society Q: Scientists/doctors who helped with limiting the spread of diseases A: Pasteur, Lister, Jenner Q: Trevithick A: Built the 1 st steam engine Q: A business owner might lower the price of a product in order to sell more (philosophy of who) A: Adam Smith

Q: The unconscious preserves our thoughts whether they are good or bad A: Freud Q: Geography of Japan A: Mountainous Q: Typhoid and cholera A: Diseases that were common in newly industrialized areas Q: Romanticism art A: Emphasized nature Q: Scientific spirit of the renaissance and new inventions was the relationship between A: The renaissance and IR

Q: Has been a part of Japanese history whether in power or as a figurehead A: Emperor Q: Utilitarianism A: Greatest good for the greatest number of people Q: History is dictated by violent conflicts between the classes A: Marx Q: Why did the factory system develop A: Newer and bigger machines making it to where the workers had to go to the factories

Q: Significance of Jane Austen A: Criticized the inequality between man and woman Q:1 st European country to reach Japan A: Portugal Q: Greatest commercial power by the end of the 18 th century A: Great Britain Q: Marx would be a critic of A: Inequality of the classes

Q: X-Ray A: Roentgen Q: Charles “The Turnip” Townsend A: Crop rotation Q: Period in Japan between CE A: Heian Period Q: Treating and preventing illness were A: Changes to 19 th century healthcare Q: After 1850 a worker would have A: Better working conditions

Q: The mythology that the sun created the A: Islands of Japan Q: Significance of Malthus and Ricardo A: Came up with new economic laws that impacted the IR Q: Our behavior lies with our consciousness A: Freud Q: Every year a part of the land was not used (field system) A: Three field system

Q: Laissez-Faire A: Government stay out of the affairs of business Q: Bessemer A: Bessemer process making steel stronger Q: Industrialization A: Replacing labor with machines Q: Impressionism A: Use of small strokes used to simulate light (made the painting look out of focus from a distance)

Q: Global inequality A: Gap between industrial and non- industrial country Q: Japan’s pressure to industrialize and westernize was during the ___ period A: Meji Q: Pasteur is significant because A: Cleanliness helped to prevent disease Q: Fourier, Owen, Saint-Simon were A: Marxists

Q: Improvements in transportation (i.e. RR) did what A: Linked areas/products would get to all consumers/lowered transportation costs/form new industrial states Q: Overall effect of the IR A: People were better off than before Q: Costs of goods would go down because of A: Mass production Q: Stated that religion is no longer an important source of any wisdom A: Nietzsche

Q: Produce only what you need to survive A: Subsistence farming Q: Reason for the growth of overseas empires A: Need for raw materials Q: Iron Law of Wages A: Ricardo Q: First industry to benefit from the IR A: Agriculture Q: Who suggested that the Bible might be wrong with his theory A: Darwin

Q: Why did unions develop A: Gain improvements in working conditions Q: Code of Bushido A: Similar to the knights code of chivalry/laws in which the samurai lived by Q: Germany and the IR (what did they produce) A: Produced chemicals and electricity Q: British Factory Acts of 1819 and 1833 A: Child labor laws

Q: Most lower class women had to A: Work outside the home Q: Urban life in the early 19 th century A: Unsanitary and lack of space Q: Positivism A: People deserve good things to happen to them Q: Key economic principal in communism was A: Government ownership of property Q: New concept between space and time A: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Q: People need to be self-sufficient A: Liberalism Q: 1 ST thing reformed in the factory system A: Child labor laws Q: Pursuit of wealth A: Important value of the capitalist class Q: No minimum wage/worked 6 days a week/exploitation of children and women/16 hour working day A: Typical working conditions

Q: Prior to the IR __% worked on farms A: 90 Q: “Bourgeoisie Century” A: Most influential segment in society Q: Scientists/doctors who helped with limiting the spread of diseases A: Pasteur, Lister, Jenner Q: Trevithick A: Built the 1 st steam engine Q: A business owner might lower the price of a product in order to sell more (philosophy of who) A: Adam Smith

Q: The unconscious preserves our thoughts whether they are good or bad A: Freud Q: Geography of Japan A: Mountainous Q: Typhoid and cholera A: Diseases that were common in newly industrialized areas Q: Romanticism art A: Emphasized nature Q: Scientific spirit of the renaissance and new inventions was the relationship between A: The renaissance and IR

Q: Has been a part of Japanese history whether in power or as a figurehead A: Emperor Q: Utilitarianism A: Greatest good for the greatest number of people Q: History is dictated by violent conflicts between the classes A: Marx Q: Why did the factory system develop A: Newer and bigger machines making it to where the workers had to go to the factories

Q: Significance of Jane Austen A: Criticized the inequality between man and woman Q:1 st European country to reach Japan A: Portugal Q: Greatest commercial power by the end of the 18 th century A: Great Britain Q: Marx would be a critic of A: Inequality of the classes