Virgin Islands Tree Boa Janna Sasser AP Biology March 18, 2011
Body Description The only native snake with blotches Small and non-venomous Grows to about 3 feet in length Adults are brown in color with brown markings running along the body A newly shed boa will have a blue- purple iridescence Babies are light gray with black markings Babies change to adult coloration as they mature
Circulatory System Closed circulatory system Ectothermic Three-chambered heart composed of one atria and one large ventricle Heart is enclosed in a sac, but is able to move around due to lack of a diaphragm
Reproduction Primitive placental attachment from mother to young The young are born alive in litters of 2-10 They usually produce young every year Usually born in late August-October Young must get their own food within three weeks of birth to survive There is no maternal care
Growth/Development Young snakes begin to feed immediately after birth Rate of growth correlates with the availability of food and temperatures high enough to permit full metabolic activity Has intermediate growth, meaning there is no terminal point in time or size for growth in their lifetime Molting occurs regularly, which is the shedding of the first layer of skin Sexual maturity is reached in about 2 years
Taxonomy Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Family: Boidae Genus: Epicrates Specific Name: Monensis Subspecies: Granti Scientific Name: Epicrates Monensis Granti
Habitat Found in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and other nearby islands Prefers open woodlands and coastal forests Active mostly at night and mostly in trees Stays in shelter or in a crevice during the day Comes out to feed on anole lizards
Why is it endangered? Loss of habitat Unlike other snakes, it needs a hot, dry climate, which restricts the species to one area – St. Thomas The St. Thomas area is being lost to commercial and residential development