Hydraulic and pneumatic systems use fluid power. Technology Interactions
Fluid Power Fluid power is the use of liquids or gases under pressure to move objects or perform other tasks. Any substance that flows is a fluid. Liquids and gases are both fluids. Fluids only have power when they are flowing. Fluids can be put under pressure and moved through pipes or hoses to where they are needed.
Matter All objects are made of matter. The three states of matter are solid liquid gas The state of matter is determined by how tightly its molecules are held together.
Solids The molecules in solids are very strongly linked are hard to compress maintain both their volume and shape
Liquids The molecules in liquids are more loosely linked are hard to compress maintain their volume but not their shape
Gases The molecules in gases are very loosely linked are easy to compress do not maintain either their shape or volume
Hydraulic Systems Hydraulic systems use oil or another liquid. Liquids are very difficult to compress, so they can be used to transfer very powerful forces from one place to another. Hydraulic systems are ideal when high power and accuracy are required.
Parts of a Hydraulic System A simple hydraulic system consists of: Fluid Pump-Provides pressure needed to move the liquid throughout the system Reservoir-Where liquid is stored Relief valve-Limits pressure in the system to a safe amount
Parts of a Hydraulic System A simple hydraulic system consists of: Control valve-Directs liquid to the right location Single-acting cylinder- Transmission lines-Carry the liquid
Uses of Hydraulic Systems Manufacturing Transportation Construction Agriculture Entertainment industry
Pneumatic Systems Pneumatic systems use a gas, usually air. Pressure is built up by compressing the gas. Pneumatic systems can usually be lighter weight than hydraulic systems. The air they use is always available and since it is not a hazardous material, there is nothing to clean up.
Parts of a Pneumatic System A simple pneumatic system consists of: Compressor-Squeezes the air/Draws air into the chamber Receiver-Stores the air from the compressor Check valve-Allows pressurized air to enter the system/Prevents loss of air
Parts of a Pneumatic System A simple pneumatic system consists of: Control valve-Directs air to the proper location/Regulates air flow Actuator-Changes air pressure to mechanical motion
Uses of Pneumatic Systems Construction Manufacturing Packaging Health care
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