Created by Melissa Warren 2001
Native Americans Regions of Virginia Bodies of Water Notable Cities Virginia Potpourri 100 pts 200 pts 400 pts 200 pts 300 pts 400 pts 500 pts 300 pts 200 pts
The language group of the Powhatans.
Who are the Algonquians?
The Plateau where the Iroquoian Indians lived.
What is the Allegheny/Appalachian Region?
Three American Indian groups found in Virginia.
What are the Algonquin, Iroquoian, and Sioux?
The region where the Siouan language group lived.
What is the Piedmont Region?
The Cherokee were part of this language group
What is the Iroquoian?
The region where the Algonquin Indians lived.
What is the Tidewater Region?
The temperate climate in Virginia allowed for the growth of this in the Tidewater region.
What is tobacco?
Free labor was provided in the Tidewater Region by these people.
What are African Slaves?
The five regions of Virginia.
What are Appalachian/Alleghany, Piedmont, Tidewater, Ridge and Valley, and Blue Ridge Mountains?
The rich mineral deposits allowed for the growth in mining coal in this region.
What is the Allegheny Plateau?
The body of water where cities developed due to it’s rich natural resources and its natural harbor.
What is the Chesapeake Bay?
The English settled at the mouth of this river found in Virginia
What is the James River?
The James River was a good place for the English to settle for 3 reasons.
What are good natural resources, good harbor, and easy to defend?
Developed in areas that had access to the Atlantic Ocean.
What are cities?
Cities developed around the mouth of this body of water because of its rich natural resources and it’s natural harbor.
What is the Chesapeake Bay?
Three cities found near the Chesapeake Bay.
What are Norfolk, Hampton, Yorktown, and Newport News?
This city is found at the fall line along the James River.
What is Richmond?
These two cities are found in the Shenandoah Valley.
What are Winchester and Harrisonburg?
These two bodies of water border Virginia.
What are the Potomac River and the Atlantic Ocean?
Cities developed along rivers in early Virginia for this reason.
What are transportation routes?
The first people to live in Virginia.
Who are the American Indians?
Five states border Virginia.
What are Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina?
Two influences of the products and industries of a region.
What are natural resources and physical characteristics?
Four industries that were encouraged by Virginia waterways and natural harbors.
What are shipbuilding, shipping, fishing, and tourism?
Two things developed in Virginia because of the fertile soil.
What are lumbering and farming?
Final Jeopardy
Two forms of transportation provided a way to get goods to markets and raw materials to manufacturing centers.
What are railroads and interstate highways?