Digestate handling.


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Presentation transcript:

Digestate handling

Logistics of biomass for biogas Co-substrates

Surplus of P in Danish agriculture P Surplus P Surplus Plant Cattle Pig Mixed

What is this?

Typical composition of digestate Total N kg/ton Total P K Degassed slurry 5.0 1.0 2.0 Liquid fraction 4.5 0.3 Solid fraction 8.0 Birkmose et al. (2013). Biomasse til biogasanlæg i Danmark

Logistics of biomass for biogas Solid Co-substrates Solid fraction

Value of digestate Potential Value Kr/ton Degassed slurry 56 47 156 Degassed slurry Liquid fraction Solid fraction True value is lower because of: 1. Difficulties and costs during storage, 2. Uncertain availability of nutrients, 3. Administrative and legistrative problems, 4. Increased demand for catch crops, 5. Odour, 6. Supply and demand Birkmose et al. (2013). Biomasse til biogasanlæg i Danmark

Feedstock (chemical composition) The goal Feedstock (chemical composition) Retention time Temperature Soil Precipitation Oxygen NH3 N2O CO2

Main environmental impacts associated with digestate handling NH3 emissions during storage and land application Formation of the greenhouse gas N2O ad CO2 after land application Nitrate leaching Phosphorus loss

NH3 volatilization High pH of digestate leads to high risk of ammonia volitilization Covered storage Low dry matter content leads to fast infiltration and therefore low ammonia volatilization

N2O emission N2O is formed in two processes, nitrification and denitrification Nitrification requires ammonia and oxygen Defitrification require nitrate, organic matter and absense of oxygen

Application of fertilizer and N2O emissions Bouwman (1996)