Our Torah Connections 11 Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim
Listen when others are talking. Let everyone around you listen too. Raise your hand to ask a question. 2
El Shaddai News Desk Israel Report 3
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Pharaoh was warned the LORD would bring locusts into Egypt. Locusts are insects that are a type of grasshopper. The locusts would eat the rest of the plants that were not destroyed by hail. Pharaoh offered to let the men go and worship the LORD. Pharaoh hurriedly asked them to pray to the LORD. Prayer is a connection to Yahovah. 5
The evil impulse; inclination to do evil or perform wicked acts. The yetzer Hara is the "old nature" that feeds on sinful impulses. Good impulse; “a want to” to do good. Yetser HaTov is the "new nature" that as we obey following Torah. Connecting Hebrew And English Words 6
By...By! Connections to Light and Darkness The LORD made darkness fall over the land of Egypt There was light where the people of Israel lived. God’s people were connected to Him and protected Pharaoh warned Moses not to see his face again; if Moses did he would die. Moses told Pharaoh, “You shall never see my face again!” נר candle, lamp, light* 7
John 8:12 Jesus spoke unto them, saying, “ I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.” נר candle, lamp, light*, 8
Final Connection - Death Of The First Born in Egypt. One more plague that will force Pharaoh to let the Jewish people leave. But... Yahovah had a protection Plan If they stayed connected to Him. 9
“The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Shemot/Exodus 12:13 Obedience is a key to protection and connection with God. Our Key Torah Verse Connection 10
During the night many families discovered that all of their firstborn had died. They sacrificed the lamb, applied the blood and quickly ate the Passover meal. This was a very sad time for the Egyptians. Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and told them to leave Egypt immediately! Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and told them to leave Egypt immediately! Israel Stays Connected. 11
About 3 million people both Israel and Other Nations left Egypt. The Egyptians asked the Nation of Israel to leave quickly. They were afraid, if Israel remained, they Would all die. Exit The Exit Connection 12
Yeshua came to earth, lived a perfect life and died on Passover. He shed blood to protect us. He gave you and I the way to connect again with his love. Yeshua took the punishment for our sins and came alive Again 3 days later. Do you know Yeshua as your Passover Lamb? Lamb of God Connect 13
Yeshua holds the source of all light. Yeshua Our light. לבוא come, enter, arrive, reach 14
“The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Shemot/Exodus 12:13 Obedience is a key to protection and connection with God. Our Key Torah Verse Connection 15
1. The last plague caused the death of the firstborn son. 2. Only the blood of the lamb gave protection to the first born son from the plague. 3. Yeshua is our Passover Lamb and he brings us connection to God. 4. Obedienc e connects us to God. Yeshua to live in me? 6. 16
SMALL GROUP Connection Time 17