Getting to Know the WebQuest Rubric Categories of Scoring and Points Possible
Overall Design (12 Points) Overall Visual Appeal (4 points) Appropriate appealing graphic elements, not distracting, limited animation, no “ransom letter” fonts Differences in type size and/or color are used well. Spelling and Grammar (2 points) Spelling and grammar have been carefully checked and there are no errors. Navigation (6 points) Navigation buttons are consistent from page to page, no dead links. Scaffolding tools and links open in a new window
Introduction (4 Points) Motivational Effectiveness of Introduction (4 points) The introduction is interesting, at the reader’s level, and draws the reader in to the activity by relating to the reader’s interests Engages the reader by describing a problem to solve or compelling question Not purely factual or listing what students will do
Task (6 Points) Clarity of Task (6 points) The written description of the end/culminating product Describes clearly and creatively the goal of the WebQuest.
Process (26 Points) Clarity of Process (6 points) Steps are clearly listed Most students would know exactly where they were in the process and what to do next. Cognitive level of process (8 points) Many levels of thinking are required. Students use the information they acquire to create a way to communicate knowledge not already available in grade-level resources. Collaboration (6 points) Group work with positive interdependence and individual accountability are essential to task completion.
Process Con’t (26 Points) Quantity of Resources (2 points) 5 or more age-appropriate resources are included, including offline resources. Online resources (www, examples, scaffolding tools) --new windows? Offline resources (suggested books, library, guests, etc.) Quality of Resources (4 points) Resources make excellent use of the Web's timeliness and perspectives. Sites are organized to coordinate with the roles students take in the task. Links are listed by the name or content of site, not by the URL. Not mundane sites that contain typical encyclopedia type information.
Evaluation (12 Points) Clarity of Evaluation Criteria (6 points) Criteria for grades and student success are clearly communicated Could be: Self, peer, or teacher completed rubrics State and ISTE standards are clearly addressed in the scoring guide. Students understand how they will be graded and can read and follow evaluation page as they work on their project Scoring is appropriate to products and expected outcomes Coordination of state content standards and ISTE technology standards (6 points) Standards identified are the basis for the task and steps in the process. Each standard identified has a scoring guide section that addresses the evaluation of the standard.
Conclusion/Teacher Page (10 Points) Conclusion (4 points) Conclusion gives enough information, links or questions for students to attempt further study. A culminating message clearly relates students’ knowledge to other topics or situations. Teacher Page (6 points) State and ISTE standards are listed in words, not numbers, and the link back to the standards website is given. All graphics, clipart, backgrounds and music have copyright information clearly displayed. Extension activities, differentiation ideas and questions for further study are included.
Get Your quest on the eMINTS WebQuest Database Implement the WebQuest with your students and make necessary changes to the quest. Use the rubric to assist you with making revisions to your quest. Score your WebQuest using the eMINTS WebQuest Scoring Guide. Remember, you may score “in-between points” possible for a categoryeMINTS WebQuest Scoring Guide Submit your WebQuest to eMINTS. Include your scoring guide scores. Submit your WebQuest 65 points or higher is required to be listed on Missouri WebQuest page. Revise & Resubmit
Getting to Know the WebQuest Rubric DC-2004 BH-Revised 2006