Welcome to Parent Night / Mrs Bates’s, Mrs. Burre’s 4th grade team (with Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Wills) / This will be an exceptional year! / Please feel free to look ahead while waiting for us to begin. / Mrs Bates’s, Mrs. Burre’s 4th grade team (with Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Wills) / This will be an exceptional year! / Please feel free to look ahead while waiting for us to begin.
Team / Mrs. Sarah Burre - Math & Science / Mrs. Lana Bates - Language Arts, Reading & Social Studies / Mrs. Shannon Wills - Intervention Specialist / Mrs. Leanne Ross - Math Gifted Intervention / Mrs. Sarah Burre - Math & Science / Mrs. Lana Bates - Language Arts, Reading & Social Studies / Mrs. Shannon Wills - Intervention Specialist / Mrs. Leanne Ross - Math Gifted Intervention
Communication / Teacher websites are updated weekly with details. / It is very important to check the website to be informed. (No paper newsletters are sent home.) / Teacher websites are updated weekly with details. / It is very important to check the website to be informed. (No paper newsletters are sent home.)
Remind 101 / A system that will send out text or messages that is private, and easy to use. Students and parents sign up by sending a text message or . Teachers never see subscriber phone numbers, only name. Students never see theirs. *standard text messaging rates apply / A system that will send out text or messages that is private, and easy to use. Students and parents sign up by sending a text message or . Teachers never see subscriber phone numbers, only name. Students never see theirs. *standard text messaging rates apply
Sign up for messages from Mrs. Burre If in Burre homeroom: send an to text (385) type If in Bates Homeroom: send an to text (385) type
Sign up for messages from Mrs Bates If in Bates Homeroom: send an to text (720) type If in Burre homeroom: send an to text (720) type
Communication / Homework Planners list behavior issues, homework & reminders - Please check everyday. / s are preferred over notes & phone calls, however all methods are welcome. / Homework Planners list behavior issues, homework & reminders - Please check everyday. / s are preferred over notes & phone calls, however all methods are welcome.
Homework Planner / Is a vital communication tool. / Is updated daily listing homework assignments, projects, & upcoming tests. / Is used to communicate issues with homework or behavior. / Please sign it every day. / Is a vital communication tool. / Is updated daily listing homework assignments, projects, & upcoming tests. / Is used to communicate issues with homework or behavior. / Please sign it every day.
Homework / Shouldn’t take more than 45 min on avg. / Will be listed in planners (use website as backup.) / Even if finished in class, student is expected to show parent it is completed. / Shouldn’t take more than 45 min on avg. / Will be listed in planners (use website as backup.) / Even if finished in class, student is expected to show parent it is completed.
2 Folders and Binder are needed: / Purple Plastic Folder to go home & back to school (We gave one to each student on the first day.) / A Folder for Mrs. Burre’s classes Math/Science materials / Binder for Mrs. Bates’s classes Lang. Arts/Reading/Spelling/Social Studies / Purple Plastic Folder to go home & back to school (We gave one to each student on the first day.) / A Folder for Mrs. Burre’s classes Math/Science materials / Binder for Mrs. Bates’s classes Lang. Arts/Reading/Spelling/Social Studies
Please do not toss papers from the folders / Unless you & your child are certain it isn’t needed again. / The papers in the Burre folder or Mrs. Bates’s binder may be needed all year even if we finish a unit. The teachers will clean out those folders as needed with students. / Unless you & your child are certain it isn’t needed again. / The papers in the Burre folder or Mrs. Bates’s binder may be needed all year even if we finish a unit. The teachers will clean out those folders as needed with students.
When looking through the folders please note: / Classwork showing progress / The PTO notices are for you, so your child shouldn’t accumulate a collection of them. / Folders provide practice developing & maintaining organization for the student / Classwork showing progress / The PTO notices are for you, so your child shouldn’t accumulate a collection of them. / Folders provide practice developing & maintaining organization for the student
Text books / The students have access to the textbooks at all times / They are permitted to go home as needed / All textbooks need to return to school EACH day / Math text is available on-line. / The students have access to the textbooks at all times / They are permitted to go home as needed / All textbooks need to return to school EACH day / Math text is available on-line.
Classroom management / C.H.A.M.P.S. / Classroom Economy & rewards / Notes are written in planner as needed to communicate w/parent. / Ask your child about money earned or spent / C.H.A.M.P.S. / Classroom Economy & rewards / Notes are written in planner as needed to communicate w/parent. / Ask your child about money earned or spent
Curriculum / Follows ODE content standards & Pickerington Local Schools Course of Study and are on District Website. / Content objectives (“I Can..” statements) are listed for the week on the website. / See websites for further information / Follows ODE content standards & Pickerington Local Schools Course of Study and are on District Website. / Content objectives (“I Can..” statements) are listed for the week on the website. / See websites for further information
Student Records / PLSD is using the Standards Based Reporting system E/M/P/N. N (Not Progressing) P (Progressing) M (Meeting the Standard) E (Exceeding the Standard) / PLSD is using the Standards Based Reporting system E/M/P/N. N (Not Progressing) P (Progressing) M (Meeting the Standard) E (Exceeding the Standard)
Keep in mind many skills will be “P” most of the year since it takes all year to develop to grade level standards. Our websites will note the areas on achievement record where “M” was possible. Also “E” is not possible for most skills; can’t exceed capitalization - either you do or don’t.
Infinite Campus / Online student information portal / See District Website for details. / More information from office when this is available for use. / Online student information portal / See District Website for details. / More information from office when this is available for use.
Attendance / Important for student’s success / All absences must be called into office. / Please place homework requests early in the morning. / Make up work should be completed promptly / Keep in mind that not all missed work can be made up (experiments, literature circles etc.) / Important for student’s success / All absences must be called into office. / Please place homework requests early in the morning. / Make up work should be completed promptly / Keep in mind that not all missed work can be made up (experiments, literature circles etc.)
GIT Day Schedule (Tue/Thurs.) / 9:10 Morning Transition / 9:20-10:20 GIT see schedule / 10:00 -12:00 w/switch teacher / 12: :45 Lunch & recess / 12:50 -1:35 Enrichment/Intervention (1:00-2:30 Gifted intervention) / 1:35 - 3:30 w/homeroom teacher / 3:35 - dismissal / 9:10 Morning Transition / 9:20-10:20 GIT see schedule / 10:00 -12:00 w/switch teacher / 12: :45 Lunch & recess / 12:50 -1:35 Enrichment/Intervention (1:00-2:30 Gifted intervention) / 1:35 - 3:30 w/homeroom teacher / 3:35 - dismissal
Non GIT Day Schedule (Mon, Wed, Fri) / 9:10 Morning Transition / 9:20-11:30 w/switch teacher / 11:30 -12:00 w/homeroom teacher / 12: :45 Lunch & recess / 12:50 -1:35 Enrichment/Intervention (1:00-2:30 Gifted intervention) / 1:35 - 3:30 w/homeroom teacher / 3:35 - dismissal / 9:10 Morning Transition / 9:20-11:30 w/switch teacher / 11:30 -12:00 w/homeroom teacher / 12: :45 Lunch & recess / 12:50 -1:35 Enrichment/Intervention (1:00-2:30 Gifted intervention) / 1:35 - 3:30 w/homeroom teacher / 3:35 - dismissal
The students are expected to be in their seats by the 9:10 tardy bell.
Morning transition time / Unpack, get ready for the day / Students eat breakfast, if purchased / Take attendance / Complete planners & check for parent signature / Unpack, get ready for the day / Students eat breakfast, if purchased / Take attendance / Complete planners & check for parent signature
Volunteers Needed / All volunteers must fill out a form annually in order to volunteer at school or on field trips. Any volunteers responsible for students without teacher supervision must now have background checks. This is a new Board Policy for the safety of the children. / Only volunteers with appropriate paperwork on file will be permitted to work with the students or chaperone field trips. / All volunteers must fill out a form annually in order to volunteer at school or on field trips. Any volunteers responsible for students without teacher supervision must now have background checks. This is a new Board Policy for the safety of the children. / Only volunteers with appropriate paperwork on file will be permitted to work with the students or chaperone field trips.
Special Events & Misc / We occasionally use food with our lessons and for our parties. If your child has any food restrictions PLEASE give us as much detail as possible. / We will post on the website when food is planned. We will adhere to building/district wide policies. / We occasionally use food with our lessons and for our parties. If your child has any food restrictions PLEASE give us as much detail as possible. / We will post on the website when food is planned. We will adhere to building/district wide policies.
Birthdays nonfood / Birthdays-can distribute small nonfood item in mailboxes. No party during school. / If you want to do something in honor of your child’s birthday. You could have him purchase a book from the Birthday Book Club or ask the teacher for suggestions on classroom items to donate to the class such as an inside recess toy. nonfood / Birthdays-can distribute small nonfood item in mailboxes. No party during school. / If you want to do something in honor of your child’s birthday. You could have him purchase a book from the Birthday Book Club or ask the teacher for suggestions on classroom items to donate to the class such as an inside recess toy.
Parent Pick Up / Very important that the office knows about any changes in after school plans before dismissal. Without proper notification, students will go home as usual. / We are now using a valet pick up system at the gym parking lot doors. / Very important that the office knows about any changes in after school plans before dismissal. Without proper notification, students will go home as usual. / We are now using a valet pick up system at the gym parking lot doors.
Thank You for your time! Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Together we are building a strong future! Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Together we are building a strong future!