Forestry FACTS Most timber harvested goes toward lumber production (53%) and pulp products such as paper(32%). Washington State has 21 million acres of forest 64% of WA timberland is federally owned. 95% of WA timber harvest is expected to come from non-federal owned lands owned by wood product firms, private landowners, and state/local governments. Today’s foresters have learned to manage forests for the use of future generations (conservation!). Mila Alvarez. "The State of America's Forests". Society of American Foresters: 2007.
Northwestern Logging Culture WA forestry industry employs 45,000 people and generates $2 billion in wages, $16 billion in business profit, and $100 million intax receipts (Eastin et. al 2007). WA has 2 nd largest lumber production in nation and 4 th in pulp and plywood production (Eastin et. al 2007). Road-production, transportation, and timber-processing also contribute to logging culture and economy. Does anyone know someone involved with forests of NW U.S.?
What Factors Affect the Forest Growth in the Northwestern US? You tell me! Precipitation Temperature Climate change Forest Catastrophes (insects, fires, earthquakes) Soil type and chemistry Sunlight Amount of snow on ground
TREE RING ANALYSIS Interpret a tree ring and think critically about social and environmental factors related to Washington State forestry
Tree Ring Rules 1 dark ring + 1 light ring = 1 year The width of the tree ring indicates how much a tree grew in one season Differences in the appearances of tree rings from one year to the next indicate environmental differences Shape: rings can be thinner on one side than the other (if the tree is leaning) Scars can be left by insects of disease and burn marks can be left by fires
Share your tree ring interpretations! What were some important events in the life of the tree section? How could some of the major events of the tree’s life have affected local economy and culture? Any other intriguing thoughts about forestry as a Northwest resource and industry? What will the future bring? northwest/ timeline/washington.html
Denderchronology film