Resource Mobilization & Allocation An Overview of Allocation Strategies and NW MAC Operations May 1, 2013
Five Allocation Strategies for Addressing chronic resource shortages— Lend-Lease Pre-positioning IMT Reserve Surge Task Force Reallocation May 1, 2013
Definition An agreement between IMT’s to allow for the use of their assigned resources on another incident for a short-term mission. Generally not to exceed one to three burning periods. Resource use validated each day. Why? Fills a critical short term operational need between incidents in close proximity. Allows Incident Commanders to share resources, increase efficiencies, and to simplify the process. Lend/Lease Fire #1Fire #2 May 1, 2013
Definition Mobilization of a resource(s) of a specific type and number, to a defined location, in anticipation of critical initial attack/extended attack. Authority to mobilize these resources rests with NWCC in concurrence with NW MAC. Why? Pre-identified resources are made available for prompt response within a sub-geographic area. Resources can be hosted at other incidents, at a local unit, or held in staging (and not at home). Resources provide the capability to enhance current initial/extended attack capability. Pre-Positioning Resources within NW Resources outside NW Pre-Position Location Fire #1 Fire #2 Fire #3 May 1, 2013
IMT Reserve NWMAC Resources within NW Resources outside NW Pre-Position Resources Preparedness Resources Reassigned Resources New Large Fire Definition A resource “package” assembled to provide an IMT with minimal capacity to achieve incident objectives. Why? Ensures some level of effectiveness for an IMT ordered to an incident. May 1, 2013
Definition The act of reassigning resources already “owned” by one incident to another, higher priority, incident. For comparison, allocation refers to the act of assigning to an incident resources that were previously unassigned. Why? Responds to the strategic management of a geographic area. Routes critical resources to the highest priority incident. NW MAC Lower Priority Fire/Mission Higher Priority Fire/Mission Resource Reallocation May 1, 2013
Surge Task Force 7 NW MAC Critical Mission Specific Assignment Resources within NW Resources outside NW Pre-Position Location Preparedness Resources Reassigned Resources Definition Surge Task Forces are pre-identified suppression resources with overhead that can effectively and efficiently implement special mission operations in a 1 to 4 day time period. (See Handout) Why? Responds to the strategic management of a geographic area. Routes critical resources to the highest priority mission across all incidents.
May 1, 2013 Surge Task Force Request Mission task and how it is tied to incident strategy: Days needed to accomplish task Probability of Success (%) Consequence of not filling request Submitted by (IC/AC name) Date: This form is available at To ensure accomplishment of a critical mission, IC completes the STF request. NW MAC reviews/approves request and assembles the task force. STF is lend-leased to the requesting incident. STF time/tracking is maintained by NW MAC and the incident. When mission is accomplished, the STF is moved to the next critical mission or disbanded.
Redmond Mobilization Center (RAC Mob) Activated by NWCC per agreement with RAC. – Orders placed from NWCC to COIDC. – Low Level activation for self-sufficient resources needing little admin support. – High Level activation for high-use/non-self sufficient resource support. – Can be placed in stand-by mode or de-activated when not in use. May 1, 2013
NW MAC Operations May 1, 2013
NW MAC Operations: Delegated Authority Unit Agency Administrator Regional Agency Administrator MAC Rep Fire Manager Center Manager Incident Commander Incident NWCC MAC Support
May 1, 2013 Questions?