T.S. Eliot ( ) First period Prufrock and Other Observations 1917 Poems (“Gerontion”) 1920 The Waste Land 1920 The Hollow Men 1925 Second Period: purification, joy, hope The Journey of the Magi 1927 Ash Wednesday 1929 Four Quartets Plays : Murder in the Cathedral 1935 Family Reunion 1939 The Cocktail Party 1949 The Confidential Clerk 1954 The Elder Stateman 1959 Essays: The Sacred Wood (1920) Selected Essays (1951) The Three Voices of Poetry (1953) On Poetry and the Poets (1957)
Rhapsody on a Windy Night RAPSODIA: 1) l’arte del rapsodo e il genere di poesia epica da lui recitata; 2) brano di poesia epica recitato in pubblico 3) In musica fu chiamata r. nell’800 una composizione musicale basata su melodie popolari, trattate in modo libero. Fu Brahams il primo a chiamare rapsodia composizioni originali, ma scritte sul modello già citato. La Rhapsody in Blue di Gershwin immette nella struttura classica elementi desunti dal jazz e dal blues.
Rhapsody on a Windy Night The poem is included in the collection Prufrock and Other Observations, published in Apart from “Rhapsody” the collections includes, among the others: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, “Portrait of a Lady”, “Preludes”. “Rhapsody” was written in Paris in 1911 and published for the first time in Blast on 11 th July 1915
Jules Laforgue Complaint de cette bonne lune “La Lune, ne gardons pas ainsi rancune”
Rhapsody – Principio iterativo ed effetto di ridondanza Iterazioni sintagmatiche Half past one, The street-lamp sputtered The street-lamp muttered The street-lamp said Equivalenze lessicali esatte Held in lunar synthesis Whispering lunar incantations Midnight shakes the memory A madman shakes a dead geranium Allitterazioni e assonanze Smells of chestnuts in the streets And female smells in shuttered rooms And cigarettes in corridors And cocktail smells in bars
Giorgio De Chirico, Mistero e malinconia di una strada 1914